Do Away With the Comparison

One sure way to enjoy life less is by comparing ourselves or our lives to others. This seems to happen unconsciously sometimes while other times, we consciously indulge in it, it seems like we have been wired to act in that manner (but is that really true?).

The idea of being better than others is what brings about comparison most times but then, our joy shouldn't be found there (in trying to be better than others) because of most times, that only feed our ego. And too much ego keeps one from enjoying meaningful relationship with others and getting the best out of life. Our joy should be in being the best of our own selves, not others.

The thing is no matter how hard we try, there will always be someone better, more beautiful, more successful, more talented, more resourceful etc. than us. If you are still feeling like the "best" person around, then its probably because you haven't run into them yet. And when you do, its gonna have its toll on you.

Sometimes, however, it's not because we want to be better than others, but because we want to be like them. We have made others be some sort of standard or "law" to us.

Whatever the reason is, I believe it is not worth indulging it. It only keeps you from being your true self, feeds your ego, hurt your confidence and self-esteem level, feeds your insecurity and steals the life out of you. When we compare ourselves to other, we end up rejecting and disapproving our own selves.

Comparison can also bring about resentment, when you compare (especially with someone that seem to have more than you do), jealousy might creep in, then hatred, then resentment and then bitterness. Sadly, even family sometimes falling into this comparison trap.

There is this belief that comparison can motivate one to do better, but I believe that that is an unreliable source of motivation and you will only end up exhausted in the end (and feeling less). Life isn't a competition!

Using someone as a yardstick to measure your worth is just insane. What you haven't realized is that your self-worth isn't measured by how much you achieve or how much you have.

The best way to go is learning self-acceptance, understanding your worth, your value and uniqueness. You need to understand that we all on a journey and have different paths to follow. And for that journey, you are enough. Yes, maybe you might need help from others sometimes, but the help doesn't come by comparison!

You are valuable, your journey is precious, valid and important, it needs your uniqueness for you to walk through it. Don't let others become your standard, let them be an example, but not a standard. Life is worth more than that.

I believe that we all have the ability to do well, without letting ourselves fall into the comparison trap. Its okay to appreciate others for who they are and what they have achieved. Appreciate them, but don't forget to enjoy the amazing person that you are. Be Celebrate your uniqueness!!

Much Love, Audrey.

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