EcoTrain Posts And Highlights | 13th July - 19th July

Dear all ecoTrain followers,

It has been an amazing first week for us as we left the station and have started on our journey to many varied and eye opening destinations. Our passengers have been busy both posting and getting to grips with Steemit. I have been guiding them and I think they are all now getting comfortable with the system. This is ani important part of the ecoTrain concept, that we can let our authors be busy writing instead of being bogged down with technical details.

We have a lovely and genuinely amazing variety  of posts to share with you this week, something for most people I think. If you missed any then this is your chance to see them. I am very happy that the quality and value of our posts is already so high. I often search quite hard on the new posts section and rarely find so many jewels as we have here for you. 

Thank you for supporting us and please do follow and upvote those posts that you find interesting. That way we know what you like and can try to give you more of what you want!

Without further ado, here are our first week highlights!

Plant Spirits and Power Plants 


Introducing my self. First Post. 


These guerrilla gardeners are secretly grafting fruit bearing branches trees onto ornamental city trees...


Escaping the cage- meeting the animal that I am


Balancing social media and face to face communication. 


Sustainable Integrative Medicine - pipe dream or future reality?


Brain hemispheres part 1


Brain hemispheres part 2


My Experiences With Western Doctors Vs Asian Doctors: Is it time to just buy a plane ticket when you are ill!?


You are a guest, Leave this Earth, a little more beautiful 


Transhumanism vs Anastasia's Space of Love Vision


Sunday story: The rose


This Land is Used for Corporate Greed 


Photos from my guitar making workshop. 


Navapashanam “The Elixir Of Youth” 


The profound health benefits of squatting... YES !!! ... squatting!


Seeing each other: How to love someone going through a crisis 


So, what if we are about to go extinct? 


EcoTrain Seva: Self Sufficient Living, providing real security In an uncertain world


ECOTRAIN : Your Service to the Earth & your own Soul Purpose


If you are interested to become a Passenger or VIP supporter,
please get in touch:

To view the ecoTrain feed please visit:

Thanks and see you next week for more great highlights!
In Love and Service

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