Fueling Your Creativity

"I am not creative" is something you must have heard people say a whole lot of times and most times, it makes it seem like the world is devoid (or scarce) of creative people.

We often hear people being referred to as "creative" and how they have been blessed with creativity and well sometimes, that creative stuff just seems far-fetched for most of us, but it really isn't. I believe we all have some sort of creativity embedded in us, the only difference is that those people have explored themselves, stretch out and have allowed their creativity to shine.

A number of us believe that creativity is something that only a few people a born with, few of us also believe that it is a level that needs to be attained, and once it is attained we can switch it on or off (whenever we like). But that really is far from what creativity is.

Oh yeah, some people are outrageously creative and what they do with their creativity most times is just amazing. But these people don't just sit back and when they want to "get creative", they like "switch into the mood". No, creativity isn't an easy fit, it takes a great deal of effort.

That piece of art that looks so effortlessly-done took a whole lot of effort. That novel that you so much enjoy reading didn't just "come" to the author's head, he did put in a whole lot into it. The thing is that we only get to see the results (most times) and not what goes on "behind the scene" or the entire process.

Creativity comes in different shapes and sizes and you can get creative even with the little things you do. For example the way you style your hair or wearing an outfit in a different and unusual way.

All of us have the brains, we have the ability to imagine things (really crazy stuffs), just that sometimes, we try to restrict our imaginations. And our ability to have those "out of this world" imaginations is the first spark of creativity. But more than your imagination is your ability to bring that imagination into life, that's when your creativity becomes complete.

Creativity is beautiful, fun and definitely worth practicing, it makes us see possibility where it seems like there is none, it gives one the ability to create beauty even out of "trash", it broadens ones mind and opens the eye to the fact that there really is no limit to what the human mind can do (if we let it, and fuel it).

Here Is How You Can Fuel That Creativity Which Is Within You

1. Be Curious

They say curiosity killed the cat but well, you are no cat, so it ain't gonna kill you (or even hurt you). It is what will push you to learn more, discover more and be better. In fact, that will add spark to your creativity. Ask tons of questions when you need to, look beyond the obvious and you will find answers, which will fuel your creativity.

2. Be positive

Positivity is one sure way to open one's mind to possibilities. when you view things through the lens of positivity, you only see all the great things you could do even when it seems like nothing could be done. A mind filled with negativity might never be creative. So, go for positivity!

3. Have Fun/ Play Hard

It's awesome how something as simple as playing or having fun can give one insight and open one's mind. When we play, we tend to put fear uncertainties behind us. We don't see limits, all we see is our abilities. So, go out there, play hard and get creative!!

4. Let Your Imaginations Run Wild

We sometimes try to restrict our imaginations, and that actions of our cripple our ability creative power. There really is no need to stop the flow of our imaginations (well, except if they are negative). Our imaginations are the first place where our creativity is born, so let it run wild!

5. Be Ready to Embrace Your Difference

Creative most times means different, and while we will want people to appreciate and praise our creativity, it doesn't happen often and that discourage people from letting their creative side show. Be creative because you love your creativity, and not because you want people's approval.

6. Take Action

What gives life to your creativity is the action you take towards making it a reality. It will always remain your thoughts (and a castle you have built in the air) if you don't put an effort into making it come to life. Everyone can imagine stuffs, but not all make it happen. What makes your creativity complete is the action you add to it. So, go on and work towards it!

A car wouldn't function without the right fuel, in the same way, it is important that you constantly and consistently fuel your creativity. Creative isn't something you become or attain, it is something you are, it just needs to fueled consistently.

Much Love, Audrey

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