Maybe Someday, It will Work Out Fine

There are times when it seemed like all our efforts to make life work seems futile, the choices we thought were the "perfect ones" turned out to be not so perfect, the steps we took towards achieving our dreams seem to be like a step backward and a whole lot of other things seem not to go as we had planned.

Things don't always go as we have envisioned it to (and that's totally okay). We dreamed of (and worked towards the) perfect relationship, the perfect home, the perfect life and the perfect job and most of it turned out to be a nightmare. Life seems to be a mysterious journey of some sort, there are just so many twists and turns and it seems like we may never get it right.

We all have our own different views of life, things we've gone through has helped shape (or distort) that view. But well, no one has it all figured out (I believe), it didn't come with a manual that we can follow and get things right (and perfectly done) every single time. Sometimes we do things and get them right, while other times, we don't but we shouldn't lose hope or give up on life once things start to go wrong.

The fact that we have made some not so good decisions, took some steps that didn't offer the results we had hoped for, gone through some really nasty experience might have diminished our hope for a happy and good life. Well, sometimes, hoping is all we can do.

Hoping for better days is often seen as being unrealistic but the hope you have is what gives you comfort on those troubled days when you feel like the whole world is working against you. Obviously, we can't just hope without putting an effort toward making things work (although hoping takes a great deal of effort too, not the physical one though).

Like a soldier, you will look at these scars (and struggles) someday and see your strength, not weakness. Just hang in there. Maybe it will work out fine someday (but not perfectly) maybe it won't work out fine. I believe some things will work out just fine (not all) for you, as long as your "fine" isn't "perfect".

Things might take unexpected turns, sometimes for good (and sometimes not), just keep hope alive and work towards that which you want. As they say, where there is life, there is hope (maybe it should be where there is hope there is life?).

If some things don't end up well, don't let it shatter you. Its okay to cry when that happens (vent it out, it helps), but don't stay down there for too long, stand up again and make the other stuffs work out. Don't let it make you give up on life.

When you give up on life, you eliminate any kind of hope left for a better day. You stop "living" when you do that because there seem to be no motivation to keep moving on. Yeah, you may give up on a dream or a particular goal, but not on life. Just have faith, dream on, keep an open heart and take actions when you need to.

Its gonna work out fine, but it doesn't need to work out fine for you to be happy, keep that happy and positive attitude, that's what will work you through those "unbearable" moments.

Much Love, Audrey

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