SportsPodium is sponsoring Steem Saturday Johannesburg

The first Steem Saturday was held on 29 October 2016 in Johannesburg South Africa. @sportspodium is happy to announce being one of the key sponsors for the September 2017 Steem Saturday event in Johannesburg South Africa. Our thanks to @steemit, who is sending a keynote speaker from the Steem HQ to address us. Steem Saturday in Johannesburg is going to be an exciting day packed with informative speakers and bloggers. But more about this later this week.

@ned Joined the event last year for the opening keynote. Unfortunately the sound quality on the video is'nt so great, but we will ensure that the video and sound quality is much better for this year's events.

Here are a few videos from last year's event:

[Part 1]

[Part 2]

[Part 3]

Sponsorship slots available

The speakers dinner (Friday Evening before the event) and the Steem Networking Drinks after the event are still available for sponsoring should you wish to brand your company or your cause. Please get in touch with us in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading.

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