The Steemit Test: What's in my heart?

After one account flagged all my posts, subsequently getting over my exasperation & leaving the defend/attack behind, it was time for me to introspect my flagging behaviour. i.e. my passive & active reactions to my receiving a flag.

Case A

Post flagged.

Flaggers engage me & explain their viewpoint.


Soon after I began tracking voting patterns on my posts, I noticed downvotes on a post. Demonstrating jeuvenile EQ, I indignitantly reacted to a perceived wrong. Every flagger that I reached out to, gave me clear, unambiguous reason/(s) for the flags.



  • Lost focus
  • Missed opportunities to post on some current hot button issues at that time.

Heart, Emotions

  • Pride, unforgiveness
  • Recovered from my response with a realization that a downvote is the nature of the beast, just like an upvote is.
    If I did not whinge for an upvote, why be a cry baby for some personal downvotes?
  • Self-righteousness
  • Self-pity

Case B

All my recent posts are flagged by one person or bot.

No direct response from the flagger.

Sniper, Aleksandr Salamatin

@asshole has begun flagging all my recent posts. To understand why @asshole recommenced the flagging of all my posts, I queried @asshole. Unsure of whether @asshole is a human or a bot, I also shared the query on & on @Steemit Facebook groups. At the time of posting this article, @asshole has not yet responded. Now my comments are also being flagged at 5%, as well.


  • Wasted time

Heart, Emotions

The Steemit Test

How a Steemian reacts to a downvote or flag is a barometer of the state of their heart..

Echo & Narcissus, 1903, John William Waterhouse, illustrating the Echo and Narcissus poem from Ovid's Metamorphoses.

While we welcome upvotes, whether or not the content is read and/or viewed, a downvote or flag is the one action that raises hackles:
  • Ad hominem: A downvote/flag is perceived as a personal attack. For the artists, original writers, poets & photographers their creations are like their children. Worse than tongue lashing a spouse, is demeaning a parent's children.

  • Reputation: A flag by someone with a higher reputation score can affect the reputation of another with a lower reputation score. Especially for those who have just joined the platform at a reputation score of 25, even one flag can be extremely discouraging.

  • Content masking: A flag can downvote content. A downvote tells the result of the community that the flagged content is not with the community's time.

        Steemit's Steem is based on both upvoting  or downvoting, according to 
        the will of the voter. 
        No caveats. 
Any content producer (commenter or post authour) should be prepared both mentally & emotionally to:
  • Take, downvotes/flags, on their chins.
  • Not to take the flag personally.
  • Develop a personal framework on how to deal with a flag, in the same way as a fire fighter is prepped for a forest fire, a policeman is prepared to handle a crowd, a medic is trained how to handle trauma, etc.


The quicker a Steemian's attitude becomes accomodating, heart begins tenderizing, skin thickens & EQ exponentially improves, the more a Steemian will maximize his own satisfaction in the community.

         1. Tender heart, tough skin preferably Teflon sheated.
         2. Eschewing Narcissistic self-righteousness & self-pity.

How a Steemian fares on the Steemit Test determines the impact of the Steemit Rule for an invidual Steemian.

The Steemit Rule

The condition of your heart after being flagged determines your satisfaction on Steemit.

What do you think, @Steemit community?

The inspiration for The Steemit Test came from George Gilder's Israel Test & Bishop Jean's comment.
Does downvoting a post help build Steemit? Take the survey

Further reading on Steem, Steemit

Does downvoting a post help build Steemit? Take the survey
The Steemit Test: What's in my heart?
A call out
Forget about making money on Steemit. For now.
How to succeed on Steemit: Guaranteed
Why Dad Loved 'Isn't It A Lovely Day?'
Steem, Steemit, Esteem: A Little Badass? Truly Beautiful?

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