Followers, are you really there?

Steemit followers are you there.jpg

I constantly see steemians celebrating their 100, 200, 300, 500 followers and I am sincerely happy for them, at least that would mean more and more eyeballs are on their posts. Or is that true?

I just crossed the 600 followers marks and don't get me wrong, I'm happy but it also makes me really wonder and consider if even 10% of my followers are even really there. Are my followers following because of actually following my posts or just merely following me in hope that I follow them? Are they following me because they are interested in my voice and my views of the World?

Frankly judging from the actual numbers of eyeballs on my posts, I doubt that even 10% of my followers are real followers. I would be surprised if this post actually gets more than 30 eyeballs from my followers.

Ok, I will be the first to admit that when I first landed on the steemit world, I was very quickly conditioned to believe that the only way to get any decent kind of viewership on my posts is to get as many followers as possible. What I was also led to believe is that there are shortcuts.

Through what are commonly known as trains or follow for follows models, I was able to build up followers fast. Is this effective? Honestly, I don't think so because large numbers of these followers are just following for the sake of you doing the same and have no slightliest idea of what you have to offer.

In short, if you are new or looking to raise the number of followers, trains or follow for follows models is the worse way. Ok, I take that back, begging for follows is the worst ever, please don't do it.

Yes, followers are great for the reach of your posts, only and only if, the followers are real and gained the organic way. Yes, the slow and painful way of consistent posts in your own "voice" that appeal to some that actually make them want more from you enough to follow you. Those, in my opinion, are the truly valuable followers and not just mere numbers for the ego.

Some might consider it cheating of sorts but I think it can be effective and just business to get self-upvotes from bots like @randowhale @minnowbooster @booster @discordia
Look up on them to learn how each work.
These are whale robots that you pay to get upvotes from which can potentially and indirectly raise the number of eyeballs on your posts.

Like it or not, humans are generally herd like creatures, so it's usually more difficult to get attention on your post if there isn't already a few upvotes of value there, especially when you are not a recognized or popular steemian with an actual following. Again, I want to be clear that it's more difficult but not entirely impossible and that the bots are just a worthy consideration. Use or don't use them at your own discretion.

Other than that, post consistently in your own unique "voice" adding some value and don't give up.

We are all on a journey, remember to enjoy the sights and sounds along the way, and do good as often as you can and as much as possible.


Here's a few more from that little voice in my pea-brain head ;)












Here are some useful apps and resources that I use to keep track of my progress on steemit.
My favorite is and you will soon find out why ;)

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