Five Bad Steemit Habits to Give Up Now

So you want to succeed on Steemit? Success on Steemit takes the exact same mindset as success anything else: perseverance, patience, consistency, quality, and a positive attitude.

If it's worth it, you have to work it! Nothing great was built overnight. Well, besides @lucylin wargames- before he reminds me not so subtly!

I see many bad habits every day, especially from newbies, that threaten their Steemit future. And just like entangled atoms- what one does effects others.

Here is a quick list of bad habits to break right now to ensure your success!

  • Follow 4 follow and upvote 4 upvote.

Asking for follows and upvotes is not only tacky, it can get you flagged which will lower your reputation. If you post original and compelling articles that bring something to the community
of course you will be upvoted! The community rewards quality! And if you're consistent at it, people will want to follow you :) Stop asking. Good things come to those who provide good work :)

  • Poor Comments.

Great post!

Thanks I like your blog!

Good info

Those are examples of cheap comments. Do you really want to be thought of as the user with nothing to say?

When you read a post, find something in there to talk about. Ask a question for clarification on something that was said. Start a conversation! Comments are upvoted, too! Take the time to type something meaningful and you'll probably gain a new follower :)

  • Plagiarizing.

Plagiarizing is taking someone else's work and posting it as your own.

You will be caught. STEEM cleaners and Cheetah work very hard, and some people who are just regular appearing users here also catch you. You may have one following you right now.

Write your own stuff. Plagiarizing is not only cheap and lazy- it's against the law. And not only that- you will be banned from Steemit when caught.

  • Playing the short game.

Play the long game, folks! Steemit is not set up for a short game. You gotta build and have forthougt because the greatest rewards come after you have put in the time.

If you build it they will come.

  • NMA

Negative Mental Attitude.

There are no guarantees on Steemit. That's why your rewards says "potential payout" for seven days.

Just like there's no guarantees anywhere in life.

Like attracts like. If you have a negative attitude, you will attract negatives into your reality. If you focus on the positives you'll have fun, and be open to receiving the good things!

Enjoy Steemit! You will learn to write better, get a little coding knowledge, maybe make a few bucks, and definitely meet some awesome people from all over the world! Keep going and you'll be invited into cool groups with like-minded people. And you'll gain the unequalled feeling of belonging to an encouraging and supportive community of excellent people :)

Steemit is number one a community. Enjoy your community and you've already won.

Enter the $30 + SBD Giveaway!!! Hurry, todays the last day to enter!


I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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