Tip for New Steemit Writers

I’m asked this question by newbies to Steemit all the time: How do I get followers and upvotes?

I am not a fan of this question. It feels wrong. It feels selfish, to me at least.

Reword that question, ask this one instead: What do I have to do to succeed on Steemit?

And when you ask that question, ask yourself this one: What am I doing to bring value to the community? And be honest with yourself. What are you doing to be an asset to the platform?

THAT is the question you need to ask.

To succeed on Steemit, you must be dedicated, consistent, unique and patient. Nothing great is built overnight. Not one of the successful Steemians you see on the trending page got there overnight. Everyone who is doing well on Steemit put in months of hard work. Writing original and compelling articles to educate and entertain the community every day. They learned to format, how to find free and legal images to use on their posts, and tweaked to find their unique “voice.” They struggled every week for pennies, working hard and bettering themselves and researching and fine tuning their writing. They interacted with the community and wrote thoughtful comments after every post they read. They asked questions and answered questions and grew a little every day.

Nobody registered on Steemit and was a hit overnight. Or even in a month.

It takes time to build something great. Steemit is no different.

So how do you get followers and upvotes on Steemit?

By being a valuable asset to the community.

If you build something entertaining and educational, they will come :)

Happy Steeming my friends <3

Image via Pixabay

What if the last person on Earth was the one you hated most? Dead i. A Steemit Original Fiction Series. Episode 3 is out now! & start from the beginning with Episode 1 Prologue and Episode 2

My real life horror- the accident and PTSD

Trigger warning- graphic and raw.

Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡


With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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