My Second Month on Steemit in Review

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This ended up being another great month. I reached my goal of continuing to post each weekday — I originally planned to post some videos on DTube in addition to my weekly Steemit posts, but that was a little too optimistic. I did, however, post two more videos this week and something exciting happened — both got big upvotes from DTube! It was so exciting! 🎉

My post DTube vs. YouTube vs. Patreon got a 25% upvote, and What Could a Steem University Look Like? got a 20% upvote. Because of those upvotes, I’ve made more than twice what I make in a normal week in the past three days.

Stats For This Month

Even with those two DTube posts, though, I made less this month than last month, mainly because of the dip in the crypto market. This month I made $842.30 and last month I made $1,160.69.

At the end of last month I had 150 followers and 138 posts and I currently have 221 followers and 235 posts. I think I got almost 20 followers just from my two DTube videos over the past three days.

For some reason I didn’t record my reputation score last month! I’m curious what it was — at the end of month two I’m sitting at a score of 57.

Last month I set a goal of reaching 500 SP by the end of this month. I came a bit short — currently at 430 — but still a nice jump from my 214 SP last month.

Here’s a breakdown of all of my posts from month two:

$7,035.99 Awarded By @dtube Upvotes in 12 Hours: Incentivizing Participation on New STEEM Sites$29.49
Hello DTube 🙂 Learning Web Development & Japanese in LA, DC, Japan, NYC, ATL, HI$23.82
My First Month on Steemit in Review$39.90
Coding Journal #2: Honing My CSS Skills & Learning Client-Side Routing$36.55
Avoiding Injury in the Dangerous World of Web Development$33.04
Managing Time & Expectations While Learning a Language$28.65
Coding Journal #3: Regular Expressions & Client-Side Routing$56.52
5 Courses to Help You Build a Javascript Foundation$40.25
My Favorite Mac Menu Bar Apps: A Crypto Ticker, Calendar, Productivity Tracker, Clipboard Manager, Measuring Tool & Window Organizer$35.88
A Subprime Education Crisis$32.89
Chingu Cohorts: Free Group Projects With Other Web Development Students$26.83
Coding Journal #4: Local Storage, JSON Web Tokens & Wallaby.js$25.91
Is Reading Enough? Combining Frequency & Memory Strength to Find the Natural Retention Point$29.58
Three Books That Have Influenced My Life$28.86
I Interviewed Myself$27.70
I’m An Open Source Developer$26.48
Things 3: The Best Task Management App For Mac$22.45
DTube vs. YouTube vs. Patreon$154.45
Coding Journal #5: Test Driven Development, Mocha, Chai, Mongo & Mongoose$28.39
What Could a Steem University Look Like?$114.66

Favorite Thumbnails

Here are my favorite thumbnails from this past month. Still very simple, but I tried some slightly new styles. 🙂






March Goals

In March I’d definitely like to start making more videos. I had a lot of fun making the two this week — I don’t have a ton of experience with writing or video editing, but I tend to watch a lot more videos on DTube/YouTube than I do read articles, so it’s cool to contribute to the medium I am more familiar with.

I want to continue with my posting schedule of one post per weekday. I’ve got some fun coding projects to work on this month and I’d like to try posting at least a couple times on Utopian.

Overall, I just want to stay consistent. It’s been great so far and I’d like to keep the habit going.

Thanks for sticking with me through another month! 🙂


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