Are there some growth ideas for Steemit from the Facebook F8 2017 developer conference?

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A summary of @Steemit growth suggestions.
  • Are there lessons for @Steemit from F8?
  • Are there marketing ideas that @Steemit can steal?


A long form Facebook F8 version for a deep dive into Facebook's F8 2017 developer conference.


@Steemit Growth ideas.


Are the core beliefs & mission of Steemit worth reviewing? @ned @dantheman @sneak @dan @sneak
Would these be open to discussion?
  • Build community and build common ground.

We all get a lot of meaning from the communities that we are a part of....They give us a sense of purpose. This feeling that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves, we're needed & that we're not alone. So, these groups make up our social fabric.
Mark Zuckerberg

"That's why its so striking that membership of (groups that give us meaning) has declined over much of the last few decades," paraphrasing Zuckerberg.

Since the 70s membership of all kinds of local groups has gone down by as much as a quarter. Now people need to find their sense of purpose somewhere else

    Does Steemit aspire to be the place where people find purpose? & 
    communities find purpose, once again?
    While Steemit is a social platform, would Steemit seek ro build to 
    facilitate common ground:
          1. Among communities?
          2. Beyond whale consensus?
  • Decentralization, as a means, not an end itself.
      Let form follow function. 
      Would Steemit centralize functions where an 
      argumentum ad verecundiam type trusted 
      third party is useful? 
      Especially for onboarding?
  • Seamless onboarding, as a core corporate responsibility; not a delegated community function.
  • When faced with a choice is more important social or blockchain?
       Which takes precedence? 
       People or tech?


Does Steemit want to build a cutting edge content authouring & curation platform? @sneak @dan @dantheman
Or will the design philosophy continue to be the good enough foundation that @zurvanic & @andrarchy propose to build Steemit marketing on?
Other than blockchain, is Steemit open to incorporate avant-garde content creation tech like:
  • Style Transfer from web to app. Iterate state of the art tech to the pocket. Squish cutting edge tech to mobile.
  • Simplified onboarding & mentoring on the @Steemit platform.
  • Steemit Analytics, Steemit Insights from Steemit corporate for content analytics.
  • Bot tools: for bot discovery & bot transparency.
  • Rich messaging
  • WeChatizing @SteemChat Steem.Chat
  • A family of Steemit apps
                Apps based on specific use cases:
                     Chat, Messaging
                     Picture, Video,  Audio
                     Web Presence


@andrarchy @ned @zurvanic

  • Create a mentoring model for newbies, content development.
  • Gamify Steemit for user acquisition, engagement & retention.
  • Spokes for the hub
      Steemit corporate social media on
            Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, 
            Vimeo, YouTube, Tumblr
      Steemit evangelists
             Clone @andrarchy by 
                         Use case
             Product placements
                     TV shows
                            Sherlock, Suits
                            Especially franchises: 
                               Bond, Star Wars, Mission Impossible
  • Trump, Hilary, Bernie
                     Guy Kawasaki, Tony Robbins, 
                     Yuja Wang, Sachin Tendulkar, Malala Youzafzai
  • India, China, Nigeria, Brasil
                        Hindi, Mandarin, Portugese, Bengali
                        Egypt, Indonesia, RSA


Facebook F8 2017

Photos & videos v text

Photos & videos are becoming more central to how we share rather than text.
Mark Zuckerberg, Founder & CEO, Facebook

Building community & building common ground

For past ten years, Facebook has focussed on connecting friends & family.
Our next focus is on building community.
In addition, we're also focussed on building common ground .... on bringing people closer together.
Technology is going to make us more productive. More of us are going to contribute to culture & economics in ways that are not measured by traditional economics & GDP.
More of us are going to do, what today, is considered that arts.
When you join a digital community online, that physical community gets stronger.

SLAM: simultaneous location & mapping.

SLAM attempts to simultaneously localise (find the position and/or orientation) of a sensor in relation to its surroundings while at the same time mapping the structure of that environment.

AR: Extending the physical world online.

"Augmented Reality enables us to create all kinds of things that were possible in the digital world," Mark Zuckerberg

How many of the things that we have in our lives don't need to be physical?
They can be digital.
Think about much better & how much more affordable they could be, when they actually are.

AR will
   Display information
   Add objects
   Enhance objects

Through making the camera more central than the text box: the camera makes an augmented reality platform, a social platform.

       A camera sees the world in 2D
       AI sees 2D images as 3D structured data.

The building blocks of augmented reality

  • Precise location
  • 3D effects
  • Object recognition


VR is a naturally social platform.

VR gives a magical feeling of presence. The sense that we're really together when we're apart. Because of this, VR is a naturally social platform....Even though you're wearing your headset in VR, its still you. The technology lets your humanity shine through....VR has the power to be the most promising social platform.
Rachel Franklin, Head of Social VR, Facebook

Facebook Spaces

Facebook markets Facebook Spaces, their new VR product as:
  • The ability to be yourself in VR
  • The capability to include friends & family with the Facebook Social Graph.
  • A space to bring in anything.
      A magical canvas for shared experiences.
      Rachel Franklin, Head of Social VR, Facebook


The English-speaking & Western world's messaging app takes the accelerates in its race to catch up with WeChat.

A Yellow Pages of messaging?

      100K bots
      2B B2C messages

Messenger has become the de facto White Pages of messaging apps. We have a shot at being the Yellow Pages of messaging too.

David Marcus, VP Messaging Products, Facebook

Geek Out

A Brain Mouse for AR

So, what if you could type directly from your brain?
What if it could be possible to hear through your skin?
Regina Dugan, VP Engineering & Head of Building 8

F8 2017, Day 2, keynote

What do you think that Steemit can learn from Facebook F8, 2017?

More posts about Steemit: The Steemit Marketing Plan 2017: Good enough is not enough, @zurvanic @andrarchy | Does downvoting a post help build Steemit? Take the survey | The Steemit Test: What's in my heart? | A call out | Forget about making money on Steemit. For now. | How to succeed on Steemit: Guaranteed | Why Dad Loved 'Isn't It A Lovely Day?' | Steem, Steemit, Esteem: A Little Badass? Truly Beautiful? | As Medium monetizes, are there lessons for Steemit?

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