Blogging Guide : 9 Ways to Choose The Perfect Niche for Your Steemit Blog!

I started blogging properly on my WordPress blog in July 2016. Since I was new to blogging arena, I learned this art extensively and polished it with frequent practice. In June 2017, I joined Steemit and started learning about the platform. The previous knowledge helped me so much that within my first week on Steemit, two of my posts went past $225 in post rewards. That knowledge and experience has since helped me expand my Steemit existence to new levels.

A Little Preface to My Blogging Guides Series 

I recently decided to start a series of posts particularly on blogging so that my experience and knowledge can benefit my audience and whoever comes to my blog through resteems, recommendations or Google. The first post of this new series was a complete guide on how to create an attractive thumbnail for Steemit blog posts. This post is the next link in the chain of blogging series that I am doing. There will be many more guides. My aim is to cover every aspect of blogging in a way that everyone can start a proper blog on Steemit and gain the benefits of doing so.

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Selecting the niche for your blog can is a crucial decision. Here is what niche means in blogging in case you are wondering. Success, or failure, depends on what niche you pick. Narrowing down your niche is important for success in blogging. However, there can be a scenario where you don’t know how to choose the perfect niche for your Steemit blog. So, you don’t know your perfect niche yet? This situation is a bit tricky because you’re willing to step into blogging arena, but you don’t know what you’ll blog about.

As it turns out, it’s not that tricky. You just need to dig a bit deeper to find your perfect niche. Before we move on to the main topic, always remember; no one was a master when he started.

The image was created by me using 

9 Ways To Choose a Niche For Your Steemit Blog 

There are 9 ways to define niche for your blog perfectly. All of them are covered one by one in this blog post. There is a bonus method too. Look at the following infographic image which is a gist of what you are going to get from this article. 

You are free to share or use it in your blog as reference with credits to me.

Take some time answering the questions asked in the image above. You’ll end up having a nice list of topics that you can cover in your blog. These questions, in fact, help you get an idea about your expertise, passions, interests, and priorities.  The nine questions in the infographic form the basis of the 9 ways to perfectly define a niche for your blog, and of course a bonus too. 

Let’s have a look at the nine ways one by one. 

1. College or University Degree  

If you have a college or university degree, there’s a high chance that you must have been brilliant on some subject. Even better, you might have specialized in a particular topic. That’s perfect because it means you are an expert in your subject. 

If the subject or topic of your interest is suitable for blogging, it (or its any subtopic) can be the perfect niche for your blog. By suitable I mean a niche that qualifies all the criteria mentioned in step by step blog niche selection guide.  

2. Diplomas and Courses

Not all people like grinding for years at college or university. Some of the practical people choose short courses and diplomas to gain a focused skill set and apply that skill to make an impact in the market. 

Diplomas and courses are mostly practical in nature and are a great source of skill acquisition. If you have done some courses or diplomas in any field, that field may serve as the best niche for your blog. 


  • You have practical knowledge about that field.
  • You took courses, which shows your interest in it.

So, which courses have you been doing? I have done courses on blogging, SEO, content writing, and many others. Coursera, edX and Udemy are my favorite sources to learn online via courses. 

3. Something You Love To Do

Does every Oscar-winning actor have a college degree, diploma or a course to prove he’s an actor? I highly doubt that. Most of us do not do what we study in academic institutes. We simply wish and strive to do what we love to do. 

If the things you love are also the things you specialized in or at least studied at some level, perfect! But, if they are not related to your academic years, no problem at all. Do what you love. It means you can choose a niche based on what you like. 

I can’t tell you what you love. You know. Even if you don’t, you’ll know after going through the entire list of ways to define niche.  

Example:- If you follow @lukestokes closely, you will see a huge portion of his efforts focused on his family. He introduces himself as a husband and a father despite being an entrepreneur and a Steem witness of some level. Family is what he loves!

4. Extensive Information About A Particular Topic

By virtue of your passion and interest, you have gathered too much information about an individual topic. So much so that the people consult you whenever they have some question related to that subject. 

Is that the case with you? Great! Because you already are thought of as an expert. If your topic of interest goes well with blogging, it is a great niche for you.  

Example:- A great Steemian @dragosroua comes to my mind for his extensive knowledge about cryptocurrency markets and Steemit economics. A great person to follow.

5. People Praise You For Something

Feedback is crucial. The best feedback is the unsolicited praise. You do something, and people appreciate you for it. Not occasionally but regularly. Not only your mom but a variety of individuals. And not for a whole lot of stuff but a particular thing. 

Have a look at the following examples to get the whole point.  

  • If people have always praised you for your inspirational words, you should write about inspiration.
  • Are you called a coding geek? You should definitely write about coding and development.
  • If you’re known for being great with money, you should learn more and write about finance.
  • Neil Patel is great with online marketing so he writes about it all the time.

See previous feedback you got from people. Check your inbox and recall your past experiences. If you find praise for a particular skill or talent consistently over a period, well then your niche is calling you.

Example:- I would share my personal example here. My replies tab is full of feedback on how my guides are simple, detailed and helpful. I have been praised for making things understandable for a long time now. 

6. A Hobby You Often Learn About

Suppose there’s a girl who’s been doing knitting as a hobby for the best part of her life. She always looks for new designs and patterns in knitting. Due to continuous practice, she’s able to learn new trends quickly. YouTube and Google are her favorite websites because they teach her new ways of knitting.

Suddenly, she has an urgent need to start a Steemit blog. What should be her niche? Apparently, knitting! Why? Because she has enough passion, knowledge, and expertise. Any hobby that you have enough passion, knowledge, and expertise (remember these three words) about is a fantastic niche for your blog.

Example:- If you explore the homesteading tag, you will find @papa-pepper everywhere in the trending posts. It's his hobby to the point that it becomes lifestyle. I wanted to mention @lyndsaybowes for being a homesteader because I know that from her posts. 

7. Plenty of Traveling Exposure

 Traveling is one the best forms of education. Every wise person will tell you that. Traveling isn’t simple for everyone. It’s a problem that you can solve if you have traveled a lot. You have decent knowledge about the process and places of your travels. Thousands of people may be interested in finding first-hand information about the visa process, flights, and places. Help them through a travel blog.   

Be as specific in your niche as possible. Instead of writing about traveling, write about the particular type of traveling that you love. Backpacking, holidays travel, and Couch-surfing are some of the examples. Visiting places of public interest can also be beneficial.

Example:- There may be many travel bloggers on Steemit but none is more famous, or organized, than the lovely lady @sweetsssj. See her blog to know what I am talking about!  

8. Professional Experience

Do you have expertise in a field because you had a suitable job? Did you work on successful projects related to a particular department? Do you have years of experience to boast off in something? 

If you have significant experience in something, you can be sure that it is a good niche to choose for your blog. For example, an investor can create a blog and teach how to invest. Similarly, a nutritionist can start a blog to spread nutritional awareness.

Example:- I can talk about all Steem witnesses here but @timcliff and @good-karma come to my mind for their coding expertise. Let me share with you an inspiring video of @lukestokes, who has years of professional experience in coding and product development.

9. Strong Desire to Learn About Something

You may not have a college degree or experience. You may not have practiced it at all, but you may have a strong desire to learn about something. It can be anything. It can even be blogging. For example, you may not be a football player but still a huge fan of the sport. You may not have any expertise yet the wish to learn more and more about football can be strong. 

If that’s the case (not just for football but anything, obviously), you can select that thing as your blogging niche. Remember again that you don’t have to be an expert to start, but you must be passionate enough to become a master gradually.

Example:-  I am leaving this for you as an assignment. Share with me in the comments that one thing that you would love to learn about. Also, highlight any of your friends who has a strong desire of learning about something.

Bonus : A Phenomenal Personal Story

 You are in luck if you have this one. A personal success story is by far the most credible and trusted way of building engaged audience. Here are some of the scenarios you can get an idea from. Yours may not be covered but if you have a strong personal story, use that story and the success to build your blog.  

  • Did you lose hundreds of pounds of weight?
  • Have you successfully fought a disease?
  • Did you ever overcome really tough circumstances?
  • Have you made tons of money?
  • Do you earn a lot of money from various online sources?
  • Did you run a successful business?
  • Were you part of a team which achieved phenomenal success?
  • Did you win a national prize?

There can be a unique story about you. It’s up to you to use that story to build your blog. It can instantly make you a hit.

Example:- I have read great personal stories from @exyle and @meesterboom. Great people to follow and talk to!


There are a number of ways you can use to define niche for your blog. The nine ways mentioned in this article will surely help you find a perfect niche even if you don’t know where to start. Remember the rule, though. Any niche that you choose should fulfill the following conditions.  

  • It should solve a problem.
  • You should have the passion for it.
  • Eventually, you should acquire knowledge and expertise in it.
  • People should start noticing you after some consistent effort.

Following these nine ways, you’ll be able to choose the perfect niche for your Steemit blog correctly. I hope this article solves the problem of so many people who are stuck in niche selection. Resteem to help the knowledge spread. Upvote to show your support.

As a standard feature of all my posts, I am listing all my previous work to help people find the required information or guidance. As I write more and update the previous work to add more value, the list will keep evolving. Feel free to share with people who need it; especially new members. 

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