Unproven Chapter Seventy Nine "Blame Hormones"

If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected, decide what to be and GO BE IT
-The Avett brothers


Recommend Reading Introduction to Unproven


Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three

Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six

Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two Chapter Twenty Three Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five Chapter Twenty Six Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight Chapter Twenty Nine Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty One Chapter Thirty Two Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Thirty Four Chapter Thirty Five Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Seven Chapter Thirty EightChapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Forty Chapter Forty One Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Forty Three Chapter Forty Four Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty Six Chapter Forty Seven Chapter Forty Eight

Chapter Forty Nine Chapter Fifty Chapter Fifty One

Chapter Fifty Two Chapter Fifty Three Chapter Fifty Four

Chapter Fifty Five Chapter Fifty Six Chapter Fifty Seven

Chapter Fifty Eight Chapter Fifty Nine Chapter Sixty

Chapter Sixty One Chapter Sixty Two Chapter Sixty Three

Chapter Sixty Four Chapter Sixty Five Chapter Sixty Six

Chapter Sixty Seven Chapter Sixty Eight Chapter Sixty Nine

Chapter Seventy Chapter Seventy Chapter Seventy Two

Chapter Seventy Three Chapter Seventy Four Chapter Seventy Five

Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven Chapter Seventy Eight

Chapter Seventy Nine

It was late afternoon on Friday and Ary stood in front of her bedroom mirror assessing her outfit choice, one of the few truly nice things she had to wear that had not been a gift from Grayson. A casual strapless dress that stopped above the knees, flattered her form, and brought out the green and gold in her eyes. She slid on a thin white sweater and opted for a pair of gold sandals. She still remembered how to apply tasteful makeup from that long-ago day at the salon and decided to leave her hair loose. She had to admit she looked pretty. But her heart was not in it.

Tyler would be there to pick her up in a few minutes and she kept trying to get psyched about it, repeating ‘Mumford and Sons’ to herself, though it was starting to sound like a mantra. She was hoping once she got there her mood would lift. Between the atmosphere of the crowd and the sight and sounds of the band live and in person it had to, didn't it?

She sighed and grabbed her purse, walking out to the living room to apprise Nanna of her plans.

"A concert, huh?" Her grandma commented from her recliner after she'd explained. "Are you going with the girls?"

Ary smiled, glad for once that some things never completely changed. "No Nanna, I'm going with a boy. His name's Tyler and don't worry he'll come to the door."

"Oh, well that's good." She went back to her needlepoint and Ary sat down on the couch to wait. She didn't wait long.

The doorbell rang and she answered it, smiling at the sight of him. He was wearing a tight fitting Mumford and Sons black T-shirt and designer jeans, and she had to admit he looked damn good.

"Wow," he grinned, "look at you gorgeous." He leaned toward her and pecked her on the cheek.

She shook her head and smiled, "Come meet my grandma."

He followed her inside and went straight to Nanna, holding out his hand. "Tyler Xavier, very nice to meet you ma'am."

Nanna took his hand briefly and gave him a once-over. "Well my granddaughter certainly likes the handsome ones."

"Nanna!" Ary scolded, embarrassed.

Tyler laughed, "Hey, I don't mind being called handsome. But I prefer to think it's me who likes the beautiful ones."

Nanna's brow lifted and her lip twitched, "Another charmer. Well, you kids have a good time. When do you think you'll be home?" She asked Ary.

"When you're sound asleep," she grinned.

"Mphmm, well I suppose curfews went out the window over the summer. You just be sure to drive safe."

"Oh I'm an excellent driver ma'am, she's in good hands."

"Mphmm." Nanna went back to her needlepoint, effectively dismissing them.

"Your grandma seems like a tough cookie," Tyler commented as he opened Ary's door for her.

"Oh she is," she assured him as she slid in to the seat. When he climbed into his she continued. "Not much soft and grandmotherly about her. She does bake cookies on occasion but instead of ‘Here honey have some cookies and milk’, it's more like ‘Sit down and eat.’"

He laughed as he pulled away from the curb, switching on the radio. "A little Mumford and Sons precursor?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, turn it up."

Her spirits did lift considerably as they made their way onto the fairgrounds. The show was being performed outside with first come first serve seating on a gigantic lawn, and they'd gotten there early enough to get a good spot. Tyler spread the blanket he'd brought on the grass and parked his cooler on wheels next to it. "Beer?" He asked.

She nodded, "Oh yeah! I didn't know we were coming prepared."

He smiled arrogantly, "I always come prepared."

She smiled back as she popped open the can and sat down to get comfortable. They drank and made small talk until the show started, at which point they spent the next several hours mostly on their feet, only taking breaks from dancing around when the slower songs were played. In Ary's opinion it went too fast, she could have listened to them play all night.

After they did their encore, Tyler beamed at her.

"What did you think?" He asked.

"Are you kidding? It was fucking awesome!"

He threw back his head and laughed, "I don't think I've ever heard you swear."

She grinned, "Only when the situation calls for it."

He shook his head, still smiling, "Okay, so there's an after hours party at this place called The Muck-a-Duck, and it just so happens that I know the bouncers so we'll have no problem getting in...And rumor has it the band members might make an appearance. You game?"

"Again, are you kidding? Of course I'm game! I'm fucking game!"

He laughed as he gathered the blanket and cooler, and they strolled across the lawn, Ary basking in the first hours of genuine happiness she'd felt in a while.

A few hours later they were seated at a stone table with a fire pit burning in the center of it, loud music filling the outdoor patio. Unfortunately the rumors about the band showing did not prove true, but by the time she learned this she was buzzing too hard to be disappointed.

"Dance with me beautiful," Tyler held out his hand as a slow song started and she took it. He pulled her close and somewhere in the back of her brain she knew that had she been sober she would have been reluctant. But she wasn't sober or reluctant. In fact she liked the feel of his arms around her, his hands pressing into her back as she twined her own arms around his neck. "You smell good," she told him as she inhaled the obviously expensive cologne on his shirt.

"I was just thinking the same about you." He breathed into her hair, "It's like being in an Apple orchard."

She giggled, "My shampoo."

He breathed in again, moving his face down the side of her head until he reached her neck. "An apple orchard that grows vanilla beans," he said next to her ear.

She shivered and giggled again, though this time a bit nervously. "My lotion."

"Mmm, you have good taste in body fragrance." He inhaled once more and kissed her neck lightly.

She stiffened and he ran a hand down her back. "Relax," he murmured, "I'm not going to eat you."

The humor in his tone disarmed her, and the next time she felt the feather light kiss it was next to her ear and it felt good. Too good. Her hormones began rallying for more and she wanted him to actually kiss her. He must have read her mind because his lips found hers a moment later, and before she had time to process the situation they were full on making out.

He pulled back just enough to say, "I think we're making a scene, we should get out of here."

She nodded dazedly and he kissed her again, leading her outside. "I shouldn't be driving, we'll take a cab, I'll come back for my car tomorrow."

There were taxis lining the street and he pulled her toward one, opening the door. They didn't even make it inside before he was devouring her mouth again and he put an arm under her bottom and lifted her as he crawled inside, half carrying her across the seat. He pulled the door shut with his foot and gave the driver an address, then slid his hands up her arms pinning them behind her as he continued making love to her mouth with his lips and tongue and teeth.

It felt so good, she couldn't think past the alcohol and the response of her body. He grabbed the back of her head with one hand and ran his other up her thigh. The moment she felt his fingers brush her there, the world came crashing back with a vengeance. Oh God, what was she doing? For a moment she'd been so lost that it was Grayson she was with. But this was not Grayson. She turned her head to the side, breaking away from his mouth. He moved his lips to her neck, not getting the change in mood.

"Tyler, stop." She said.

"Hmm?" He mumbled, continuing to suck.

She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed, "Tyler," she tried again, "I'm serious, stop."

He froze and lifted slightly. "What's wrong?"

She felt tears pop into her eyes and blinked them away, "It's too fast, way too fast. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you going, it felt really good, but I'm not ready for this."

He frowned, "Because we haven't known each other long enough, or because of that guy?"

"Both I guess. I'm sorry Tyler, I really am."

He backed away from her and she sat up, shifting until she was seated properly. She glanced at him and he looked a little irritated.

"Look, I know what it’s like for a guy and I really hate to do that to you, but I just can't."

He nodded without looking at her, a muscle ticking in his jaw. "It's okay," he said. "I understand." He leaned forward and gave the driver her address and she wondered what address he'd given in the first place. His?

A few minutes of silence followed before he turned to her, his features softening. "Hey, I'm sorry. I'm being a dick. I was just really into that and I thought it was heading to a certain place and my body...," He shook his head smiling sheepishly, "Not a great excuse. I really like you Aryanne, don't hold my male insensitivity against me."

She smiled, "It's okay, I don't. And I like you too, Tyler, but I'm just…"

"Not ready," he finished.


"It's cool if you want to take it slow."

She frowned slightly.

"I mean date a bit more before heading down that particular road."

Her frown deepened. "Um, actually, I'm not sure I'm even ready for that."

His brow raised. "For dating you mean?"

She nodded slowly, biting her lip. "I still love him," she said softly. "Really, really love him."

Tyler took a deep breath and let it out in a whoosh. "I see."

"It hasn't been that long," she explained.

He nodded, turning to gaze out the window.

"I'm sorry," she said weakly.

He lifted a shoulder and responded without looking at her, "No big deal."

She didn't know what else to say so they rode the rest of the way to her house in silence.

When they got to the curb in front of her house she rummaged around in her purse for the fare.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Paying the man."

He snorted, "No, I got that."

She frowned, "I had fun and you're an awesome guy...”

He snorted again, "Save the speech, Ary."

"Please don't hate me," she whispered, tears springing to her eyes.

He glanced at her and sighed. "I don't hate you. I'm just sorry that you're hung up on a narcissistic shithead."

She blinked and huffed slightly, "I take it Andie filled you in on her adoring opinion of him."

"And Grant. The guy sounds like a total douche, but I guess you can't help who you fall in love with, right? Or so the saying goes."

"I guess not."

"Well, who knows, maybe we'll see each other again when you're over it."

She nodded, "Yeah. Maybe." She opened the door and got out, glancing back at him as she shut the door. He raised a hand in a good-bye salute and she did the same, then headed indoors to cry her eyes out.


Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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