Hitchhiking adventures in Italy - Manarola #15

We woke up pretty early in the morning for our secret camping place was very uncomfortable. Sticks and stones all over the place. The mat almost did not make a difference. It was also very steep so we had keep our bodys taut while sleeping to not slide down the hill. We did not even know if our tent could roll down a cliff somewhere for we put it when it was already very dark.

Anyways, we started our jounrey to Manarola with lots of enthusiasm. If you look at this pictures you can imagine why. It was an amazing view and it was good that we got up early for we had quite a walk to master. There is also a passway next to the sea which is flat but back then it was closed for some stones have rolled on it.

So the direction was upwards upwards upwards. Back then I was not really trained and it really looked unmasterable to me. But with some breaks enjoying the place and the beautiful herbal smell you forget that you felt exhausted. The region is very rich in lavender and other smelling flowers.

The lemons that grow here are not only beautiful to look at but also very nice to eat. I have to admit that I am guilty of lemon theft! It was just to tempting to see all those beautiful and tasty lemons next to our way. I love the sour taste which is so refreshing if you are walking a lot in the hot sun.

And eating a lemon is always a good reason to sit down, get rid of that heavy backpack and enjoy the view.

After climbing up the first hill we noticed that it was only the first step of a long journey. We had to walk down again and then go up again! This is so typical for hiking but back then I did not expect it.


Finally we had reached the top and could look down on Manarola. There were two ways to enter the place. One was next to the traffic road and looked like a fast solution. The other one lead over serpentines and little stone stairs along the hill and through various plantations of herbs and olives. Of course this way was far more tempting for us.

After a while we found the stairs that lead us in town.

Again we found ourselves in some nice passways when we noticed a perfume of food. It was very tempting so we followed the smell until we reached a restaurant with a pirate flag. Two women left the place and the one said to the other: "Best food I ever had!" The other one nodded in agreement. So we asked them what the had had on their plate. It was lobster.

This is the view from the restaurant. It was really nice to sit there and looking at the prices was even nicer. When we entered the place we thought lobster would not be affordable (back then I was no vegetarian) but then we saw that a plate with pasta and lobster for two including drinks was 36 Euros which is quite fine if you compare it to other lobster prices.

For drinking we choose to have some soda with the local lemons which are just awesome. I loved the glas they were served in and made this shot. I think it is quite nice.

Here you have me enjoying my water and getting prepared for the lobster. First rule for lobster newbies: you need a bib to prevent you cloth from getting ruined. It is really a messy food to eat but eventhough I do not eat animals anymore I have to admit that this lobster was one of the most tasty things I ever ate.

They served it with pasta on a plate in the middle and we put it on our plates ourselves. I did not make a picture of the original way it was served which was quite beautiful. The pasta and the sause it was served with were just amazing and if you ever go to Manarola and you feel like having a lobster I recommend you to visit this place. You will find it. It was a pirate flag. We were just so hungry after our hike so we started eating instantly...

So after filling our stomachs of course we needed a little walk to digest. Manarola is an awesome place for this kind of things. Lying next to the ocean with its intense blue colour. Simply amazing.

The region is very christian so you will find a lot of crosses all around.

But they are created in different styles and with different materials.

After the walk we went to the sea and had a swim. It is also possible to jump down the rocks there. And of course I had to do it too. The rocks are quite high as you can see so I was a bit scared. But I also love to conquer my fears and I jumped. It was awesome!

Thank you very much for reading. This is the last picture of Manarola I have for you. But don't be sad. In my next post I will share the beautiful way to Corniglia with you. If you have missed some earlier parts of the journey I invite you to read them here:

The way to Ostia - 1
Ostia Antica -1.1
Bracciano -2
Viterbo -3
Tuscania -4
Lago di Bolsena -5
Pitigliano Part 1 -6
Pitigliano Part 2 -7
Sovana -8
Saturnia -9
Talamone & Siena -10
Volterra -11
Livorno & Dalai Lama -12
Pisa -13
Riomaggiore -14

Lots of Light and Love <3

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