c0ff33 vlog 170218 - mistakes I've made a few, but in life you can't help being you

Welcome to this week's c0f33 vlog, my weekly extravaganza of gifs and images from my week at work and here on Steemit. For a quick recap I have done the video vlog you will find embedded towards the end of this post every week for a few years now, and it used to be about my working life and home life often covering technology and my slight obsession with Apple products.

Since I joined Steemit it has started to evolve from being a single video link in a post to this new format where it covers all the people and content I have enjoyed on here this week. It took me a long time on my Steemit journey to realise what matters most on here is the other users and their content - because by enjoying everyone else's content and telling them why in comments they will often come back and support your own work. I spend as much time as I can getting around incredible posts created from people around the world - there is never enough time in the day to get everywhere I would like to though - so much amazing content you all should give yourselves a pat on the back and relax with a nice cup of coffee! If you would like to translate this page for easier reading in your native language the raw text that will be easier to translate can be found at this link https://justpaste.it/1h8hb

The start of my vlog pretty sums up every day this week, frozen windscreen adding time to my journey to work while I wait for it to defrost. My friend @crazybgadventure made a post this week about Logan and Jake Paul the YouTube sensations who like or loathe them are making a considerable amount of money from their daily vlog adventures, brand tie ins and also Merchandising. Despite some unfortunate decisions, I really like Logans style - #beamaverick @crazybgadventure has started Steemit full time - great choice my friend and I am sure he'd love some visiting support. I'm a bit run thin myself getting around so many people, one comment I would say to him is something I see quite a great deal on Steemit - post quantity over quality. Your audience only has so much time to get around and view all the people they want to - making too many posts per day just dilutes the potential to get upvoted and commented on. Some of the most successful creators I have seen on here do one post a day, sometimes only every few days - it gives their audience chance to get around to see it - and you can concentrate far better on making that post something really special with more content and greater chance that people will enjoy and share it. That said it's bin collection day and my usual domestic problems arise - too much rubbish and not enough bin space. The bin lorry will not take a bin with bags hanging out the top - so yes that is me jumping up and down inside the wheelie bin to compress the rubbish enough to get another bag in! And I should of course again thank @avesa because his music accompanies that start up defrosting sequence of the vlog video.

My journey has finally started, a frosty slippery road which is much like my journey this week on Steemit. It's been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster this week, but as they say you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. I continued my SublimeSunday with more time lapse footage - the actual idea of the tag was just to have an excuse to post your random crazy creative ideas and I was pleased to see @old-guy-photos joined in with A beautifully SublimeSunday wielding dual power tools - a man after my own heart! I was also very pleased that @thethreehugs joined in through my post comments, saying Aloha with some sublime videos clips of their own. What will I post tomorrow - I don't know yet but it surely will be sublime.

I would like at this point to say a big thank you to @askmee for making this
Caricature of c0ff33a in fact I was not the only one, he took this idea and ran with it having many done of many Steemit users. I honestly think this is one of the most creative and clever ideas I have seen in a while - be sure to check out his blog those pictures are so much fun!

My long time supporter and friend @maruharraca excelled again with this MarketFriday Flower Shop following on from her previous weeks post which was absolutely fascinating The Met Cloisteres Museum with fascinating pictures and detailed information on the various exhibits - an education in a single post!

This was my Monday morning - what a perfect start to the week, heavy snow as I try to get set off for work and then I take a different route because of a closed road and end up stuck in traffic - so a 5 mile 20 minute journey took an whole hour!

New to me, I was totally impressed by this Lessons I learned in my first month on Steemit by @ameliabartlett which has some incredible good advice for every account level on Steemit - if you want to improve your rewards you really need to read this. It also really shows how you can up your post rewards by putting plenty of time and effort into creating a really good post - I think I am correct in saying that this is one of her most highly rewarded posts to date - great work.

It has been a busy week for me as well being introduced to new content creators alongside the expert guidance of @saffisara with a lovely beach view and generally happy fun outlook on life and also @tattoodjay an expert in photography . I have been really impressed with the incredible writing from @carmalain7 including this post I was never a writer and then @snowpea did this post on GinaBot which was exactly something I was thinking of doing. I have also been entertained by the DJ @sweetscience who posted some incredible photos and music in this Fire Jam post, music and entertainment are very entwined here on Steemit equally demonstrated by @cygon in his post adventures in Denver a tale rich in photographs and text I still can not get over the bear statue. And telling tales with pictures can be done in very clever ways, like I found in Wise advices from a tree by @felobtc

The Freewrite community is also incredibly popular, I first encountered it through @mr-neil with his amazing writing like this post Planet of the health shops and that then lead me on to @mariannewest with Daily Freewrite Challenges so I suppose it should be no surprise when I was introduced to @snook who also partakes in this amazing writing community and I found this post Doorway to my soul which is not only an outstanding poem, but uses a photograph from @mikesthoughts another good friend of mine on Steemit - how amazing the twists and turns on here can be. It also reminds me that in this post Giving back to minnows he is offering to give away some of his hard earned SBD from a post he got very highly rewarded for - very commendable and he is just the most amazing and genuine guy I can really tell why everyone likes him so much.

While I bumble my way around this little Island I call home, it seems Steemit has a growing member base on here with me. Having been introduced to @anjkara making amazing posts like this Life advice from an imperfect human and @silverstackeruk part of Steem Silver Gold joining a growing group of UK based posters like @welshstacker who gave me a chuckle with this I'm having trouble identifying this object and then @techmojo with his Gaming Posts and game title predictions forming a double act with his better half @deeviras with great ideas for games to enjoy and then the amazing @fiftysixnorth with his travelling tales and Long Exposure photography. Also @stef1 and amazing photography like this Dailypic Ameland perl of the sea I'm sure there are many more, these are just a sample of the people I have come across.

I took a trip out this week and created a Market Friday post - and posted it on a Wednesday to confuse everyone! Sorry about that, with the trip fresh in my mind it was the best day to post it for me! Market Friday is hosted by the great @dswigle who has been a little unwell this week so be sure to send her some love. It's a great way to come up with a post and share a unique aspect of a market it your part of the world, or where you are currently travelling in right now. I love reading through the posts in the MarketFriday tag - it's so fascinating to see life in different cultures and often a find even more new and exciting content creators to follow.

Talking about followers, I hit 3k this week! Quite amazing really that this badger bearded old fool with a penchant for bad jokes and gifs from movies people have long forgotten could attract such a crowd. That said I follow 2400 - when I hit that feed button it's like thousands of voices all shouting out to me at once. I realise now although a bit too late that following so many is unwise, I'm in a bit too deep now though so I have to use different methods to keep track of all my favourite content creators - my post comments help a great deal as well! Every week on Steemit for me is like a new adventure, and I have become quite committed to this platform, all my earnings are reinvested in here either into promoting my new posts - or in this last week I have spent over 100 Steem renewing 3 leases of 1000 Steem Power delegation for another 4 week period. Logically it would be better to invest that steem into Steem Power - a retained bank where I could withdraw it if wished. Why I instead spend to never see again is to keep my upvote at a very reasonable level, I currently hold 11,325 SP thanks to the leased steem power I am paying for and also the incredible delegation discussed in this Stewards of Gondor post by @abh12345 . I have never really posted anything about what happened to me back in November, when one day I went on steemd.com and suddenly found my modest 100 Steem Power had a new delegation of 5000 SP making my upvote suddenly worth something, it came with no instructions and it took some digging to find out where it had come from - @fulltimegeek an inspired Whale who has distributed his Steem Power to many as you will see in the post above - so that they can go out and support new content creators with greater upvote - encouraging them with better rewards and of course inspiring comments. Steemit needs to retain content creators - but at the start many find it is very hard to get noticed or get rewards for your work - maybe some amazing content creators have already come, got little for a few posts and just given up and left - who knows but this incentive was put out to accounts that would reach out and support as many as they could. I don't really know how I came up on his radar, I wasn't doing anything particularly special back then (and yes I know right now little has changed in that respect, I do my best given my lack of creativity or any skills in photography, writing, social development or even an interesting personality) but I can only presume what I have done since pleases him because so far he hasn't chosen to pull back his delegation to pass to someone more worthy. I do try my best though, to reach out to as many content creators as I can, especially small accounts I do my best to help them grow.

Another notable mention this week has to go to @huslein.slash creating incredible art with every possible medium, this piece of work using ink of Wolverine it seems like he can create amazing art using any medium, this week he stretched the boundaries even further by painting with coffee and watercolours - amazing. Also thank you so much for the Mr Bean picture in my comments last week, it was perfect - I'd love for him to pop up again this week!

I've continued to enjoy this week some wonderful posts by @baby07 who continues to delight with amazing pictures from her life, this Introduction Post provides a wonderful insight into her life. I have been following her posts on Steemit for some time now, and she is a wonderful example of how paying attention to what others are doing, and developing your own work accordingly can really pay off.

It's no secret I am a big fan of @deadgrlsuppastar photography, but this Story of my Love was incredibly moving, sometimes you never realise the adversity and challenges people have had to face - or in some cases still are. It also reminded me that @topkpop had challenged her adopted minnows to do a post outside of their comfort zone, this one by @d-vine My Special Asignment really just emphasised further the incredible adversity some can go through in life, but it is also quite inspirational that despite everything Spirit and Tenacity remain - to keep going and never give up. When you read posts like that it makes your own troubles seem very small and insignificant. Another inspirational post comes from @thebugiq another adopted minnow For the Life of Me covers a different sort of journey and struggle - but no less inspiring.

And as my vlog journey reaches it's end, inspiration remains a strong topic because I discovered something on Steemit this week I don't know how I missed. For a long time now I have realised you find some users on here who are using the post rewards income as a means to live, and it's amazing a cryptocurrency blockchain can provide that for people. But somehow I had entirely missed the selfless charity work that is going on through Steemit, where charitable accounts like @youarehope build up funds through posts and donations and then distribute them when needed to people who can make a difference. What real made me see the difference that can be made was this post Taking a step to changing lives where @aydayodeji returning to the area he grew up found terrible blocked drainage with the resulting standing stagnant water causes many Malaria deaths. He would set about the manual labour himself with help from others he found to support the community - all he would need was a little funds through upvotes and resteems to kick his project off. You can read the response from @youarehope , fast decisive action to send the funds needed to get this project moving. In this post you can see an update on the work that is being done incredible work backed by steemit charity - and of course we can all give a little support ourselves upvoting his posts and resteeming so more people can see the great work being done for this community. Off the back of this I was amazed to discover this First ever Steemit Female football team not only because it demonstrates how a group of Steemit members can get together to promote not only the whole blockchain based site but also support their community and bring them together with with this amazing sports event. But the other amazing thing about this post was the amount of account names I recognised, and never realised what they were doing in the background to support these community events - it's all very commendable and you can tell how much impact these Steemit account members have had - they put their names on the football shirts! And to top it all off, @fishyculture who I have been following for a little while is even supporting charity with Thankful Thursday weekly posts where she donates the post rewards to @youarehope - I must have had my head in the sand to miss all this going on right under my nose!

Closing points for this weeks vlog, my youngest boy finished Fire Watch game last Sunday, and my eldest boy got a Selfie with Prince Charles on Friday! I also took @christheaudioguy advice and invested in some LiteCoin ahead of the imminent fork. He also unleashed this My Lady song on Steemit which is quite amazing and well worth a listen.

You can watch the full vlog video below

And also supporting videos featuring the chilled out grooves of @avesa and his band http://www.blayrmusic.com

I know it has been a long post this week, but that really is just what has been going on in the last 7 days - in fact it doesn't cover all my interaction on Steemit by far - but I can't mention everyone or Gina Bot might crash! For this week's vlog all that remains to be said is have a wonderful weekend and week, stay safe and most importantly remember

If you enjoyed my post don’t forget to leave an Upvote, feel free to comment on what you liked or where I can do better even. Follow @c0ff33a for regular and varied posts, photography, my weekly VLOG, posts on coffee roasting and brewing - just follow and see.

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All photos are my own, taken with my iPhone. All my steemit posted pictures can be freely used by other Steemit users in their own blog posts - all I ask is that you follow me and credit @c0ff33a linking to my post you took it from. You can also follow me on Twitter

For Steemit to grow we need to post rich content - interesting and unique posts that encourage others to join in and share their experiences. If you feel your own posts are not doing well look at what your favourite content creators are doing - if you like their work they are doing something you could do as well - think of way to do similar things with your own unique twist.

The picture to the right kindly sketched by the wonderful @bridget.art , be sure to check her incredible art out @bridget.art

As Steemit grows making your content stand out gives it a greater chance to be seen and enjoyed, I try to work on making one post a day - but making it as big and content rich as I can. I don't know if this is the right way, but I enjoy the most big content rich posts - and a wise man on Steemit once said to me - make your content like the content you enjoy.

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