7 Things I did This Summer

Hello everyone! tomorrow, band camp starts which means the beginning of a new school year for me. Since this summer is nearly over (for those of us with school preparation for sports coming up), I decided to recap what I specifically did over the course of this summer.

7. Held the first Steemit Stargazing Meet Up

Yesterday, @astronomyizfun, @remlaps, and I went up to the Cherry Springs State Park to observe and photograph the night sky (as well as the Perseids meteor Shower). We had so much fun that we decided to try to make this meet up official (more details on that coming). However, we got so much material (mainly because @remlaps' phone is a beast when it comes to night time photography) that we are going to make several posts out of it. So, why not HYPE UP the future content? Anyway, this trip was definitely the highlight of summer 2018 for me. Here is one of my favorite pictures that we got (taken by @remlaps):


6. Fund Raised for the Rustin Golden Knights Marching Band

This summer, I wrote several posts over the account @rgkmb-unofficial. Most notably were the analysis I did of pieces tied to the band. Tomorrow, you will see a large number of photos involving the marching band on that account (since band camp starts). Make sure to go over and support the account if you haven't already.

5. Failed Massively at Reviewing Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations

I want to make it clear that I completely intend to continue this series (hopefully I will finish the first book as well as reviews after band camp so I can list it as my summer reading). However, I might not pick it up again until after the band (and Christmas) season is over and I have the time. I want to emphasize though that I will never give up. Never.

4. Brought Back the Weekly7 Series

This summer, I was quite happy to bring back my oldest series. This series has really played a large role in my training as a musician because it forces me to listen to new music every week, or find new aspects to the music I've already heard. I am really excited to maintain this series during the school year however, I had to shift the day to Sunday to fit better with my schedule. Also, sorry I missed two weeks ago, I was staying at my grandfather's house.

3. Stayed at my Grandfather's House and Interviewed him About his Distinguished Career

This was definitely another one of the highlights of my summer. Something else that was notable about this trip was that I introduced my grandfather to the Lost series. He seemed to find it entertaining. I also uploaded the interview several days ago. Thank you for the support on that!

2. Volunteered at my Church Library

One of the reasons why my posts were not as frequent as I would have liked is because I spent several weeks volunteering at the church library in order to help them meet their deadline for opening day as well as fulfill any volunteer hours I may need in the future. I volunteered for a total of 28.5 hours and intend to volunteer more after band camp. I also joined the library committee!

1. Wrote Numerous New Compositions

This summer, I found myself producing a lot of material. Most notably would be hymn "Creator of the Stars of Night", the studies in the styles of Chopin and Bach, and the Dance of the Siren. I wrote other pieces as well, but they are currently still in progress, or being prepared for performance. This summer has been great fun on the composition front. I wish I could have produced more, but I am happy with what I did produce. I look forward to sharing some of my other work in the coming months as well as working on new compositions!

All Previous Weekly7s



Thank you for reading this! Most importantly, thank you to everyone who supported me this summer! I hope to see you in any future posts on this account and any other! Thank you!

Also remember to check for: My weekly 7 post, As well as my composer birthday posts (Note) In order to encourage meaningful feedback on the platform, I will check comment trails of users who leave superficial comments (ie "Awesome post," or "Upvoted.") and will mute any users who exhibit a pattern of leaving "spammy" comments.

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