"Paperman", a short film where you will discover the magic of destiny

"Paperman" does not tell us a love story In this short film we will discover first of all the desire to love and be loved, and how fate, subtle and capricious, suddenly decides to "connect" someone to give birth to our gray worlds and motivation to our sleepy hearts ...

This is a delicious Disney production that in 2012 reached the gold statuette in the best animated short section. It is a production for which time does not pass, because its message is universal and because in each one of its planes an emotion is intuited in which every child and every adult can identify.

It is often said that we do not know people by accident, but that it is fate that chooses the moment and its protagonists. Later, it will be us who will have to tune into our paths if our heart feels it.

John Kahrs, the director of "Paperman" comments that he had the idea of

this short film while on the New York subway. He was struck by those "connections" that we make from time to time with a stranger: a look, a gesture, a smile, and later, we never meet again. Unless destiny wants it and of course, we ourselves ...

When fate chooses us, we decide

Destiny takes form and character in this short film, and it does so by being "the third protagonist": the wind. "Paperman" makes us travel to that New York of the 40s where the two protagonists are mired in the beginning of their working days, in their routines. Until suddenly, a small gust of wind establishes a sudden connection between a young couple bringing the unexpected: a look, a laugh, an emotion ...

It is destiny that puts us in the path of another person, but it depends on two to walk together or not.

The most significant events usually have casual beginnings, such as the one we see in "Paperman". They are subtleties created by the destiny itself to show us an opportunity, and the direct invitation for us to give shape to that "connection", which suddenly ignites the motors of our heart.

The power of the will

Something that attracts us to this deservedly Oscar winning short film is its veil of nostalgia. Often, it is often said that memories define who we are, and most of the time we are nostalgic, we are past.

* "Paperman" uses the gray tones, setting and music with skill to establish that emotional connection with our memories so that we feel wonderfully identified with the characters.

* Most people have experienced that kind of coincidence, those quirks of fate where, perhaps, there was not enough courage or will for that casual act to take shape.

* Our protagonist thus becomes that alter ego with which we identify so much. His will, his effort and determination lead him to the most incredible situations to connect again with the dreamed girl, but the wind, it seems that for a time, he decides to go against him ...

When the link goes beyond chance

How and why we establish a special bond with a certain person and not with another is something that science has not yet been able to determine exactly.

* Sometimes, the looks are like mirrors in which we lean out to see part of ourselves, to experience something between family, mysterious and challenging at the same time, which tells us that it is that, that there is the dreamed person.

* Our protagonist feels this way, because even though it was the hand of chance that brought him that face, that mischievous look and kiss of carmine in one of his papers, he understands that the bond has been established and that it deserves I'm sorry to fight for him. Therefore, he decides to flood the city with paper planes with which to capture the attention of the girl ...

Persevere and achieve your dreams

"Persevere and reach your dreams". This would undoubtedly be the message that "Paperman" leaves us, and that his director wanted to transmit to us. In our routine existences, this type of instants, not only of magic, but also of opportunity, often does not happen very often.

It is destiny that sometimes pulls its strings, but if we are not able to grasp the suggestion, if we get involved in our mobile phones and do not look up, we probably do not know how to read the many clues left by chance.

Once identified, only three essential ingredients need to be put into practice: passion, motivation and perseverance. The process to achieve that dream will not be exactly easy, in fact, the protagonist of this short almost gives up, but soon, that wind at idle and capricious moments, ends up offering his help in the most surprising way.

We invite you to discover it, and to share it. Because who believes in destiny must also rely on himself to achieve his personal goals.

                                        Source youtube

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         All the images were taken from the public domain

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