Constrained Writing Contest #8 Beyond

This is my entry for the Constrained Writing Contest #8. The idea of this contest is to write a short piece of writing using the same first word in every new sentence. This is new to me, and it sounded interesting. Please follow the link to add your own writing to the contest.

Write a story where you start each sentence with the same word.
The story must be longer than 250 words.
Include tag #constrainedwriting among your other tags.
Upvote, Resteem and post entry in the Constrained Writing Contest #8 post.


Forever Bridge by Aaron Listen

Beyond the tall, maturing maples of the old, Wetherbee cabin, there was a field of lavender flowers; blowing in the wind; growing beyond expectation; dancing in the sun; I attempted to count each flower.

Beyond the lavender fields, chirped the babbling brook, whose subtle whispering stream, echoed throughout the great valley; tumbling one drop after another; guiding each pebble to its next placement, where I attempted to count every drop.

Beyond the brook, a deer lay resting under its protective bush, hidden with her babies; shielded from the midday sun; keeping cautious of any sound above that of the tumbling water, where I attempted to count every breath.

Beyond the mother, and her babies was the beginning of the mountain, where the pebbles grew into stones, and then to rock, and finally to boulders; marking the landscape with their unmovable stature; growing older with every passing day, where I attempted to count every stone.

Beyond the mountains that stretched for miles, upon miles of space, laid the great beyond; the limitless, and the forever; and the bright lights filled the galaxy, where I attempted to count every star.

Beyond our conscious contemplation, and fruitless expectations, a new world is waiting to be discovered; aching to be birthed; growing to existence, and I attempted to count the days.

Beyond the endless, remarkable, and immeasurable forever comes a new day that never ends, and will never cease, and I attempted to count how many of these lives I could fit into that day; and I am still counting.


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The Darker Side of the Street (Part One)
"Marvelous Tales #17" The Mist of the Hidden Furlendwalk Green
“Marvelous Tales #18” The Meditating Bunny
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