Playing the Sims: Planning Your Sim’s Day

Sims Intro

Hello and welcome to my blog- How to Play the Sims. If you are new, you can visit my blog and catch up by reading my previous posts. Follow me @simgirl to receive my newest posts in your Steemit feed.


Good Morning! We are continuing the story of Sally Steemit, and her roommates, Sharyn and Stanley. Last night they went out for the evening, so their fun and social needs should be high, and all I need to worry about is them all waking up, and using the bathroom. If you have only one bathroom in your house with a few people, you know this may take some coordination.

Since Sharyn gets up early to go to work, we will take care of her first. While the game is on pause, you can better coordinate your Sims actions, so that they will automatically take care of their needs upon waking. Sharyn must go to work at 6, that means she will need to be up by at least 5. Then she will have time to go to the bathroom, bathe, and eat. We are going to wake her up a little early to be sure she has enough time.


I have assigned all the actions I want Sharyn Steemit to take when she wakes up. First, Sharyn will wake up and use the restroom. I’ve asked her to clean up the dishes from the day before, and then fix some cereal. She can watch television while she eats, since her fun level is getting low. Then we will try to get her in the tub before she must go to work. Sims will naturally wake up either when their energy meter is filled, or an hour before they need to be to work.

A little after 4am I woke Sharyn and began her day. Sally and Stanley do not need to get up yet, so we allow them to sleep while Sharyn gets ready for her work day.


By the time Sharyn needs to be at work, I have managed to get most of her needs stable, and she is green, and happy. She blew off the action of cleaning up the dishes, so we will ask one of the other Steemit roommates to do that task. As you can see all of Sharyn’s need meters are continuously falling. Even as she is meeting one of her needs, her other needs are falling. You will never have all your Sim’s need meters filled, but you must constantly take steps to filling them.

A green Sim is happy a happy Sim.


Stanley is next to use the bathroom. I have assigned him to cook a family meal of scrambled eggs and bacon. Then, Sally won’t have to fix her own meal when she wakes. Stanley also needs to complete his daily task of playing games. Since his energy meter is filled, we can wake him early and try to get that done before his workday begins.


Sally’s needs are all in the green, except she is hungry. We have Stanley out there cooking, so while he does that, we will encourage Sally to build her charisma skill for work, by practicing speaking in the mirror. If we have time before she goes to work, we will attempt to get her in the tub for a bubble bath, which will give her the ideal playful mood she needs for work.

Sally was more than happy to clean up the dishes from the day before, so that’s done!


No bubble bath for Sally this morning, but I did get all her basic needs in the green. She is in a fine mood. I’m not saying she will be in a good mood when she gets home from work, but that’s what she gets for going out on a work night!

Stanley could get 25% of his gaming done for his daily task before going to work. He seems easy to manage, since all his needs were high this morning. We can assume that he did not drink as much as the other two roommates did the night before.


Sharyn got a promotion to story researcher today. This will change her schedule, and she will not need to wake up so early in the morning now. Even though her need meters are low, she is still in a good mood. Since Sharyn is ambitious, the promotion gave her happiness an increase of +3. She needs some food, some entertainment, and a nice nap.

When you hover your mouse over the food left on the counter, you can see the quality of the food, who made the food, how many servings are left, and how long until it spoils. The food will last longer if it is placed in the refrigerator. You can suggest your Sim place any remaining food in the fridge, by clicking on the plate, opening the action menu, and selecting put away.


By afternoon, Sharyn is in a better mood, and can start on her daily task of writing a column. Her writing skills have reached level two, so she will not have to work too hard to get her next promotion. She will only need to go to work in a good mood, and have a good relationships with her co-workers. She does not need to go to work on Friday, so she will have time to work on relationships.


Sally updated her social media status and gained 20 more followers! Sally’s social media following is off to a good start with 65 followers in total. All she needs is to reach level 2 in the charisma skill, and she will be promoted in no time.


When Stanley came home today, he was promoted to Quality Assurance! All his needs are falling steady, so after a nice bath, he will need to get some food, and play games. To reach the next promotion, Stanley must reach level 2 in the programming skill. Until then, he can enjoy the fact that he lives with two pretty, and successful female roommates.

I hope you have learned a little more about how-to play the Sims, and how you can plan out your Sim’s day. The more coordinated you are at using the items your Sims have at their disposal, the more achievements you will collect along your journey. If you do not coordinate your Sims’s day, they will fight for the bathroom, complain that they are hungry, and get nothing done. This is where a player’s time management skills come in handy.

Until next time,

Happy Gaming- Sim Girl

For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:
Creation of A Sim: Creating a Sim From Scratch
Creation of A Sim: An Outfit For Every Occasion
Creation of A Home: Buying the Land
Creation of A Home: Rough Framing
Creation of A Home: The Details
Creation of A Home: Final Touches for Functionality
Picking Sally Steemit’s Life Goal
Playing the Sims: The Great Start- Choosing a Career
Playing the Sims: Skills, Needs, and Other Things
Playing the Sims: Are you Controlling?
Playing the Sims: This Everyday Task Called Work
Playing the Sims: Living the City Life

How-to Sim Your Life: A Guide to Winning the Game of Life


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