Camping Observation: We Were Not Prepared Pt.8


The sky was getting dark quickly, things at a distance started to look grey.

We picked up our pace but was careful not to step on any sharp stone or twigs, as the last thing we need is a someone getting a sprained ankle.

As the day got darker, we knew we weren't going to make it to the camp site by night fall, and we all got our touches out to prepare for the night hike.

One more hour in, and we were in total darkness, our only source of light became only from our touches. At this point we were all exhausted and were truly in the dark, the hiking path became not so obvious, and at certain stages we weren't even sure if we were going the right way.

This is the point where we took a break and discussed about setting up camp right there and then, but we had concerns with our limited supply of water, we weren't sure if we would have enough to cook dinner or make it through the night.

Just as we were about to make the hard decision of stoping the hike, we heard something from a distance which made us halt and listen carefully.

To be continued…

You can find the other parts here:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight (Current Post)
Part Nine


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