Dream Diary - 10th & 11th October 2017

Morning all,

I wish it was Friday today! I feel like this week has gone so slow. I’m in need of a drink and I don’t drink during the week, only on my cheat day which is Saturday! I want it to hurry up!

Over the last couple of nights I have had dreams, but not as many as I have had recently. These ones all seem to be about my friends! It’s a bit bizarre.

Tue 10th October 2017

I had a dream about my friend Sarah and she was showing me, my husband and our friend Linda around her new flat. We followed her in through the front door. We went up numerous stairs and a number of rooms just to get to her part of the flat. It looked like we were walking around a show home. The floors were all laminated wood and the walls were white with white skirting boards, white dado rails and white ceilings, but the rooms were empty. Just before we approached her flat, I saw a man standing outside his room. I thought I knew him. I went in for a kiss, then pulled back as I realised I didn’t know him at all! He was wearing a red and black checked shirt and some dark coloured trousers or jeans. We got to her flat and Sarah let us in. It was one big room. No walls, no stairs, just a big space that was decorated in parts to its relevant rooms. The first thing I noticed was a huge white canvas print hanging above the kitchen units. It had a swirly blue pattern that looked like a fishnet or mesh. It didn’t look like anything, but I suppose that’s what art is these days! Then I saw the living room. It had a three piece suite made out of white leather. My friend has two girls, aged 5 and 3. What was she thinking when she picked out white leather??. All I remember afterwards is seeing a panoramic window that took up the whole of the wall facing outwards. You couldn’t see anything out of it. It was just white!

Wed 11th October 2017

Last night I dreamt I was out and about very early in the morning in a seaside town my granny used to take me to when I was a kid. As I was walking I bumped into my friend Linda and her partner Gerald. It was weird seeing her because in real life, Linda’s partner is James and Gerald’s wife is Mary. Linda asked me if I was going to Mary’s birthday and they were meeting on the beach at the weekend. I said "Sounds like fun". I didn’t know which ‘Mary’ it was as we have three Mary’s in our group of friends. Anyway, they looked like they had just got out of bed. They were both wearing pyjamas and Linda has a bobble hat on. She wasn’t looking her glamorous self. She was carrying a white thin carrier bag with their shopping... bread, milk, coffee… the usual stuff. We were talking and I ended up following them back to their house. As Gerald and Linda were unpacking, Gerald asked me about my house and what’s happening with it. I said it was being sold and that I had just had it redecorated and I was having new flooring put in. He said he was interested in my house as it would be perfect for him and Linda, but it was too pricy. As we were having our discussion I held their loaf of bread, it was half empty in the bag and I remember spinning the bread so I could twist the bag and tuck it under the bread to stop the air getting to it….. random, I know! Gerald asked me if I wanted a tea. I said yes please. We went to sit down but not on chairs or sofas. We went to sit on their bed. When I sat on the bed, I saw a massive brown insect! It looked like Mr Hankey, The Christmas Poo from South Park but it had legs!!! and it was moving towards me!!! I couldn’t move. I was paralysed! I asked Gerald to get it for me. He did, but it wasn’t an insect, it was a big piece of mud… maybe it was Mr Hankey after all.

Afterwards, I suffered sleep paralysis. It was horrible. I will write a post on it at some point as it’s a horrible condition to have because your mind is awake and your body is asleep. I always have to struggle to wake myself up because I can’t breathe. I thought my husband was in the house, even though he had already left for work. I was in bed asleep with my eye mask on. I could just about peer underneath my eye mask. It was dark and I could hear foot steps. Someone was in my house, but I couldn’t be sure if it was my husband or if someone had managed to find their way in. I was scared. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak and worst of all, I couldn’t breathe! I tried and tried to shake myself to get out of this half unconscious state. I couldn’t. Suddenly after giving up hope, my body did jump and I was able to sit up and breathe. It was a frightening experience. There wasn’t anyone in the house, only my cat playing in the hallway. I felt very drowsy but I made myself get up, because if I didn’t, I know my body would fall back into sleep paralysis and I definitely didn’t want that!

Hope u enjoyed my dreams Steemers. Please feel free to read about my other dreams.

Dream Diary

9/10/17 | 7/10/17 | 6/10/17 | 5/10/17 | Can't sleep, Wont sleep | 3/10/17 | 2/10/17 | 1/10/17

30/9/17 | 29/9/17 | 28/9/17 | 27/9/17 | 26/9/17 | 25/9/17 | 24/9/17 | 22/9/17 | 21/9/17 | 20/9/17 | Recurring Dreams

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