How many vegetables can you see ? 你能看到多少种蔬菜?


This evening, I made a dish that is meat fried vegetables . I want to know how many vegetables you can see of this dish and what they are ? They are both healthy vegetables and i think we eat every day. It seems a little difficult for you to guess what they are but try your best , the first one who can guess right will get my prize , good luck to you !


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今天晚上利用现有的食材做了个肉炒蔬菜,考考大家的眼里,看看你能看出我用哪些蔬菜炒的吗? 哈哈,蔬菜种类不多, 但是似乎有点难度哦!我多个角度拍了一下,大家猜猜看吧!第一个猜对的, 会有小小礼物奉送哦!

My simple breakfast –wreath of eggs 我的早餐
Pitaya fried shrimps with celery 火龙果西芹炒虾仁
Roasted eel 烤鳗鱼
Beautiful fruit, nice mood漂亮水果,美丽心情
Oppo R11 VS Apple 6 ?
Pitaya pear sweet soup火龙果雪梨船
Safe gourds 平安葫芦
Peacock shellfish wonton (dumpling soup) 孔雀贝云吞
A bowl of haggis soup 一碗暖和的羊杂汤
Japanese Sushi日本寿司
Chinese toon fried eggs 香椿炒鸡蛋
The big seafood platter 海鲜大拼盘
Japanese caviar 鱼籽酱

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