Day 26: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: a shoe

Hello Everyone!

This is my #freewrite for today. You can find today's prompt here.

The shoe was left on the sidewalk.

People walked by and never noticed that shoe.

If they did they would have found thousands of dollars in that shoe.

The owner of the shoe has been looking for it. He hid his money in there so it was safe.

He didn't live a very good neighborhood so looking and acting like you were poor was the safest way to survive.

Now he was poor in reality unless he could find his shoe.

He walked all the streets he did that day, thinking " How did I lose a freaking shoe!"

What he didn't remember was that morning a small child was crying on the sidewalk looking to be very hungry. He had taken his shoe off so he could get the little girl some food.

As soon as he had taken his shoe off the little girl's eyes widen and she ran off.

He shouted after to her that he was just trying to help but his shouting just made the little girl even more frightened.She ran faster.

After running a while to catch her, he knew he never would. While thinking of her and what could cause a small girl so much fright over a shoe, he never noticed he didn't put his back on until it was too late!


Happy Writing

Freewrite Day 24, 21 and 19
Day 17: The Weekend Freewrite
Day 16: Prompt: Dirty Dishes
Day 15: Prompt: White Cat
Day 14: Prompt: Apricot
Day 13: Prompt: crazy
Day 12: Prompt: Some Change
Day 11: Prompt: Sleep
Day 10:Prompt: Splinter
Day 9:Prompt: After Midnight
Day 8Prompt: Started
Day 7:Prompt: I Saw a Wild Pig Running Down the Street

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