Day 52:Prompt: the taste of Chicken #freewrite

Hi Everyone!

This is my Sunday #freewrite from @mariannewest.

This story even surprised me! I have no idea where this came from or why!

I hope you enjoy it?



Chad woke up with the taste of chicken in his mouth. He quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up, never quite making it to the toilet.

It was going to be a shit of a day!

While trying not to gag, he ran and got a bucket to clean up his mess before Trudy woke up and shit hit the fan from him wasting food.

Yup, that is how she would see it. It didn't matter that he told her over and over again that chicken made him sick. Trudy still made chicken every Wednesday and Chad threw up every Thursday morning like clockwork!


Trudy, in bed, frowned to herself when she heard Chad cleaning. He would never learn to grow a pair it seemed. Someday that boy was going to have to grow up and learn to have some backbone!

She knew he hated chicken but she also knew he needed to start standing up for himself! too many times he came home all beeppppppppppppp!


Happy Writing!

Here are a few of my other #freewrite if you care to read more:

Single Prompt Option - Weekend Freewrite
The Weekend Freewrite 6
My reflection on MarianneWest's #freewrite
Day 49: mosquitos
Day 48: describe green
Day 47 : airplane
Day 46: gullible
Day 45: the smell of a dumpster
The Weekend Freewrite 5
Day 43: camping
Day 42: Black
Day 41: The goat ate my

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