15th series of Fetus development stages|| Find out the growth of your fetus at 26 weeks, find out the household chores you will do and which to avoid


Hi friends welcome to my blog today, welcome to week 26 you have less than 14 weeks to go I hope you are excited. It's my pleasure to welcome you all a lovely week in this second trimester, I hope your babies are not dealing with you personally as they are growing don't worry very soon they will come out. I believe you are adjusting to your physical changes do not worry you will return to your normal shape and look. Let's go through this week and see what will happen in both you and your baby so as to prepare your mind for the up coming changes.

PREGNANCY AT 26 WEEKS (6 months)


This week your baby is 35.6cm and weighs about 907 grams wow!! Your baby is growing right? Yes and because of this rapid growth the uterus will become tight for your fetus. Therefore, you will be feeling more uncomfortable when they kick as there is no enough space for the fetus to run round. Fetus position gradually changes position as they will be turning face down this, preparing for birth. Blood vessels are functioning, the lungs are still developing blood vessels, the heart is pumping blood and circulation is ongoing. The brain is also developing, the umbilical cord is supplying the fetus with all nutrients that is needed for proper growth and healthy living. Hairs are growing, the testicles or ovaries are taking it normal position, weight gain is constant, they are approaching 1kg. They will also open their eyes this week and practice blinking them.


As you approach the end of your second trimester, prepare your mind to expect the list thing you would have expected. Your bump is growing as your baby is growing too, so plan for maternity gowns so as to be comfortable. As the stretch marks becomes more itching try to moisturise your skin, expect to add more weight this week but be aware that after giving birth your skin will return to how it was. Due to some hormonal changes and posture you may experience dizziness.


  • Insomnia; (sleepless nights) you will be finding it difficult to sleep this week, but do not worry you can handle this, do your daily excercise, limit fluids at night (bed time) do your yoga exercise, practice some medications to help you stay calm.
  • Migraine; reduce your activity within the day to avoid stress that may lead to migraines, stay hydrated.
  • Bloating and gas; as your uterus expands, more pressure is put on your stomach and intestines which results in bloating. You can resolve it by eating small portion meals each day rather than consuming large portion in 3 times a day, try not to overload your digestive system.

  • Constipation; this one is basic but it can be controlled by regular taking of fluid, fruits, vegetables and fiber. This will help to avoid Constipation.

  • Talk to your baby; read books, sing songs or just tell your baby how your day was just for the baby to hear your voice.

  • Keep exercising; continue your kegel, take a walk , do yoga and squatting and any other excercise that is safe for you at this stage.

  • Take your prenatal vitamins regularly.
  • Eat nutritious meal that contains calcium, iron, vitamin A, B12, B6 , C , and vitamin D, folic acid and omega-3 fatty acid.

Household Work during Pregnancy – What to do and What to Avoid?

During pregnancy you gain a considerable amount of weight and your body readjusts its balance as the weight piles on primarily in one place making it difficult for you to be smart. Although most women take it upon themselves to be lazy about house chores. In addition to this, the feeling of exhaustion or fatigue makes you wonder if you should be doing all the housework in the house. Although it is perfectly safe to attend to most household activities during pregnancy, some are to be avoided or delegated to others. Find out which activities should be attended to and the ones that should be avoided to prevent the risk in pregnancy.

Things You Can Do;


Some work that can be done with ease is recommended such as;

🤰 Cooking; if you are not comfortable standing to do so you can sit on a chair to cook, fry, cut vegetables etc.

🤰 Sweeping and mopping; it can also be done with a caution so as not to fall from the slippery floor. Then it is advised that you use broom and mop with long handles to avoid much bending. If long-handled brooms and mops is not available it is advisable that someone else do the cleaning for you.

Please note that due to this aspect, Pregnancy adds additional stress due to weight gain and a marginal shift in the body’s center of gravity. So any tasks that involve bending often, or standing for a long number of time should be totally avoided. Any time you feel tired when performing any activity stop immediately and take a rest.

🤰 Cleaning of bathrooms and toilets; this should be done using detergent/chemical that are not harsh to inhale, it should be safe for pregnancy.

🤰 Light washing of utensils and dishes; this can be done, but do not be too stressed out and avoid standing for more than 15 – 20 minutes.

Household Chores to Avoid during Pregnancy


Although some task are safe during pregnancy some are not safe as well, please do well to avoid the following;

🤰 Lifting heavy loads should be totally avoided since this may induce labor.

🤰 Any task which requires you to climbing up should be avoided since it may lead to losing balance because weight gain in pregnancy alters the body’s center of gravity which may cause pregnant women to fall. So cleaning of ceiling fans or changing the curtains, should be delegated to someone else.

🤰 Avoid cleaning pets litters which may contain some parasite that is toxic to mother and child, but if you are the only one available to do this always use soap to wash your hands with soap.

🤰 Avoid any chemical to eliminate insects and pests at home, the chemicals may affect you and your baby.

🤰 Avoid painting of rooms or inhaling paints since this may affect you and your baby.


I believe you enjoyed this week lessons, please continue taking care of your baby and yourself. Engaging in household chores during pregnancy makes you stay active and stay fit during pregnancy, while taking part in the chores remember to avoid those things that are dangerous for you and the unborn child. always rest when you feel tired, eat healthy meals and remember to report any strange feelings or discharge to your doctor. Come next week as we will talk about another interesting topic.

Feel free to leave your questions at the comment section of this post, or chat me up on WHATSAPP 08039426715 if you have a private issue for more professional advice, if you are pregnant 🤰 and leaving within Uyo, Nigeria please ImaBridge medical center is offering free antenatal check and free delivery to all Pregnant women, come and be a beneficiary as you will be monitored and care for through out your pregnancy journey

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