Deep sea fishing in Kuala Rompin, Malaysia


This was my first Diamond Trevally on my first fishing trip out in the open sea at Kuala Rompin, Malaysia. I used a light tackle and the fight lasted, believe it or not, 35 minutes.

Kuala Rompin or more affectionately known to anglers just as Rompin, is at the east coast of peninsula Malaysia in the state of Pahang, just at border of Johor state. Conveniently located at about 220 km from Singapore or 3 hrs drive, it is a hot favorite paradise for Singaporean anglers.

Most anglers are visiting Rompin for their sailfish trills but also bottom bait and squid fishing too.

It wasn't sailfish season when I was there though so no sailfish thrill for me but enough fights from so many other fishes to give one an aching body at the end of the day.


It was non-stop action if there's a line in the waters, this place is full of life. No kidding, we actually had to reel back our lines to have a break to drink and eat.

Just a word of caution, there is no toilet or washroom onbaord the boats, at least not on ours so it's wise to clear the "system" before heading out as it's at least an hour back to shore and frankly, the other anglers would rather throw you off than to have to return to shor mid-day ;) Other than that the ocean is the "toilet".

Here's one of the many Spanish Mackerels.

For anglers, Rompin is a lot of action packed fun and I can't wait to make the trip again.

We are all on a journey, remember to enjoy the sights and sounds along the way, and do good as often as you can and as much as possible.


Here's a few more from that little voice in my pea-brain head ;)














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