Update on My Healing and @Papa-Pepper's CryptoJeep Challenge!

The day after I arrived I awoke in excruciating pain. It was six days after the accident, and I'd been sore but nothing like this and it scared me. I had seen a prelim doctor at the University of Washington the day before, who told me I had a lot of soft tissue damage, whiplash, and a concussion, and already had an appointment with my primary care physician for a deeper look and some x-rays, but she could not fit me in until tomorrow. I was scared now. My insurance had urged me to visit a chiropractor so I called until I found one to see me that day.

Dr. Tripp informed me it is unusual to feel pain this long after an accident, but given the fact I was traveling under a great deal of stress for 4 days after the wreck and had no time to relax it did not surprise him. He was extremely thorough- he not only showed me the x-rays of my bones, but walked me through what had happened inside of me. Because I had been hit from numerous angles, bones were shoved in different directions. He could tell by the shadows around my bones where they had been prior, and how far they had moved. The shadows were the ligaments and tissue that had been ripped from my bones in the blows. Both of my hips were twisted in different directions, seven of my lowest spine vertebrea were shoved out of the way, and the 7 in my neck were way out of place. He consulted with my PCP and they developed a plan of action.

I’m going in every other day for bone re-placement procedures, and I have come to the conclusion that every one of the people involved were medieval torture experts in their past lives. The pain is excruciating and I'm not even recovered from the last one when I am going in for the next one! It is starting to worry me- my insurance is holding back from their next move to see if I am going to be needing ongoing treatment. They said sometimes treatments can last a couple years. At first I'm like, no way, not me. I'll be fine in a few days. Today was my 4th treatment and I'm in my second week!

I'm taking it easy still, trying to anyway :) I know the importance and potential ramifications, so I am definitely not risking anything. I have a feeling I have not fully realized the extent of my injuries.

My favorite Steemmate, @Papa-Pepper, has [challenged Steemit to a duel](https://steemit.com/challenge/@papa-pepper/steemit-i-challenge-you-to-a-duel-to-bring-back-the-cryptojeep-and-bless-arbitrarykitten). My insurance is covering the cost of my Jeep which I had only had for one month, but I lost my down payment with it and need to come up with another. I named my [original Jeep CryptoJeep](https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@arbitrarykitten/how-to-buy-a-car-with-steem-bitcoin-or-any-crypto) due to the fact that it was made possible because of the cryptocurrency I earned since joining Steemit in June. It took me 6 months to save enough for a down payment because I am a completely single mother to three boys, and they kinda eat a lot ;) I had to have $5000 to place down on a vehicle because I have a zero credit score. I have always lived within my means and never needed credit- but nowadays one cannot do anything without credit or cash.

With the wonderful support of the Steemit community, and made possible by the fantastically big hearted @Papa-Pepper and @Mama-Pepper, I hope to be blessed with enough for the down to replace my beloved and lifesaving CryptoJeep by this weekend.

We are almost there! I have $895 left over from the payoff for my Jeep, so only need to raise about $4000. And we are almost there!

The support has been amazing. I am so thankful for each and every one of you. Check out the challenge here, and everything counts, seriously- it all adds up. And I am so appreciative I am truly beyond words. Your support has warmed my heart and brought tears to my eyes. We truly have an amazing platform here, where so many can come together and help one another. Thank you Steemit <3

Resteems of this post and @Papa-Peppers post appreciated <3

Be Blessed my friends 💖 I know I am by being here with you fine folks :)

My real life horror- the accident and PTSD

Trigger warning- graphic and raw.

Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡


With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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