Dealing With Life Changes

Changes come with growth, they are a part of our lives and are most times inevitable. Sometimes, we are aware of the changes coming our way, and so we make preparation for it. But the truth is, we can never be prepared enough for it.

Different changes happen, sometimes beautiful ones and sometimes not so beautiful. These beautiful changes are definitely what we want, but they also seem to come with their own (little) issues.

It comes with a mix of emotions which can often times be overwhelming. It might seem exciting yet mysterious. Beautiful yet stressful. It never is easy to deal with changes (even the most beautiful ones).

You may have just moved into your new house which you love and you are suddenly overwhelmed by the thought of having to arrange and put everything in order.

Or getting your dream job and being filled with doubt about your abilities, you worry that you won't be able to deliver a great job. Or even when you move to a new place and have to deal with the fact that you don't know anyone around and faced with the struggle of making new friends (or finding your way around). It's never easy!

And for those unexpected and unpleasant changes we face in our lives, they are usually the hardest to deal with. Clearly, they are unpleasant and will be harder to deal with

But, How Are We Gonna Face These Changes And Not Let The Overwhelm Us?

1. Acknowledge That Change Is Happening

Coming to terms with what is happening can really help a great deal in dealing with changes. You don't have to fight the change or live in denial because you may never get to adequately deal with change that way.

2. Stand Strong Even In The Midst Of Fear And Anxiety

No matter how beautiful a change is, it brings with it a sense of anxiety and maybe fear but in the midst of all that, you will need to stand strong in the midst of all that. No matter how prepared you are, that fear and anxiety might come with a slight sight of change. And that's totally okay, you just need to stand strong and learn to deal with it.

3. Leave Room For The Unknown

Planning is great, but there is no way we can plan perfectly because we don't know it all. Things might not go as planned but when we leave room for the unknown, we get a better a better chance on coping with the change that might come our way.

4. Ask For Help When You Need To

You don't need to juggle everything all alone. If that change is a painful one, then you will need all the help that you can get. It feels great when we are able to handle all our issues alone, but there are times when we just have to ask for help. Reach out to friends, family etc. and I believe they will be happy to help out.

5. One Step At A Time

Be patient with yourself, don't be hard on yourself just because you are not able to adjust to change as fast as you would have wanted. Live in the present, don't fall into the temptation of having to rush things. Take a step at a time and with time, you will adjust.

Little changes happen everyday both within and around us, we just don't seem to notice them most times but they are always there.

Change for the most part is beautiful, dealing with it doesn't have to be scary, its a beginning not an end. So, stop worrying and let your change inspire you!!


Much Love, Audrey

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