Project loveletters #9 - Her letter


Noorwijkerhout, 8 november 1978

Dear Jésus:

That map of España, you send me, was very beautifull. I will send you a map of my country and the provinces of it. You have make that very precise. I don’t know if I can make it that way. But I will try, if you want me to.

I don’t know if you noticed it, but my address has changed (2211 HP). That is new.Because with that number, all the mail will be delivered sooner than. Every street has got his own number. But I think you are not interesting in that.

Did you not understand why I was lay in hospital? Well, Jesus, I will try to explane: I looked the word in a Spanish dictionary apendicitis (appendicitis) (You never heard of it?) It lies under in the stomach. When you feel a pain in your stomach, mostly it’s appendicitis than.

You wonder what I had to learn to write English. I learned it at school on the MAVO for 4 years (MAVO means a secondary school). I always learned English easy, that is because I liked it very much. But when I was in Spain, you say me that you could not speak English, or speaked it a little bit. But I think your English is rather good.


I will say by that, I almost understand everything you write me. In the beginning you wrote: for example: “you say me what you are always…” But you must say it this way :”you say me that you are always…” But I did understand that. When you practice a lot, some day it goes better.

At the moment I’m very busy with making surprises for “St. Nicolas” Eve”. I don’t know if you understand that, but I want to explane: When we were young, our parents told is that there was a St. Nicolas, coming out of Spain. Then, on the 5th of December, he celebrate his birthday in our country. And on that day everybody gets presents. But in reality the parents bought their presents and they told their children, St. Nicolas was buying the presents. But when we get older, our parents told us, there was not a St. Nicolas esccisting. So all the young children now think there is a St. Nicolas excisting coming out of Spain. But when we are older, we buy the presents by our selfs. And we make also surprises. I am not wondered if you did not understand a word of it.

I send you now a photo of myself: On the photo I am together with our cat. It’s on the street behind our house. It was still summer than.


You told me I could send you a song. Well Jesus. This song I like very much (You remember this song in MADDOX).

“Dust in the Wind- Kansas

I close my eyes, only for a moment
And the moment’s gone
All my dreams, pass before my eyes a curiosity
Dust in the wind, all they are in dust in the wind.
Same old song, just a drop of water
In an endless sea
All we do, crumbles to the ground
Through we refuse to see
Dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind
Don’t hang on, nothing lasts forever buth the earth and sky
It slips away, all your money won’t another minute buy
Dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind


I hope you like this song.
I only want to ask you, if you want to write a little bit more legible next time, OK Jesus?

Veel liefs( take care) Irene

Extra: Dust in the Wind mentioned in the letter from youtube

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Letter #1
Letter #2
Letter #3
Letter #4
Letter #5
Letter #6
Letter #7
Letter #8

Disclaimer: These letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts. Any marks on the letters are made by them to help them understand the letters. Note: I also covered her signature for protection.

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