Today, What Are You Blessed with?

Have you been complaining? Not just here in Steemit but also in your daily life? Do you ever watch what comes out of your mouth or what you type to comment to someone here or in the chat? Have the words that escaped your thoughts materialized positively or the other way around? Is your life more like spring or is it more of autumn?

I've been meaning to post but the awakening of so many things around me just brought too much distractions. I find myself tired every night, I had no choice but to hit the bed early and try again the next day to no avail. Today, I had nothing to do but I couldn't resist the calling of my backyard so as always - I gave in.

This sycamore tree would have grown very very high now but hub has been pruning it before its leaves could even put on its autumn outfit. It had never sulked nor complained it had always managed to grow no matter how much stems, branches and leaves were cut out of it. The aphids - both black and green and a lot of blacks winged and not as well as the ants have plagued it year after year and they seem to grow bigger on an annual basis, too - both in size and in numbers but this sycamore tree have never failed to sprout back spring after spring ...

A week ago, it was still bald and today ... he's sprouting again. I couldn't help but feel inspired by it. No matter how much life seem to beat it - it stood tall, storms, a mini whirlwind, rain and shine year after year. It started pretty small and my husband just found it uprooted elsewhere along the way, almost drying up and nearly bald. He rescued it and brought it home to grow. I used to prune it hoping I could make it look like the fir tree years ago and now, I have to look up to it and leave the pruning to hub as I can no longer reach it.

Beside it are all flowering bushes but the sycamore didn't envy the Budleja and thought; "Oh look at her she has flowers and are often visited by the butterflies" nor it refused to grow because it envied the hydrangeas visited by bees beside it. It just does it thing - grow ... shoot out leaves, change in colors, sleep and grow back when its spring again. Despite that he only has aphids and ants more often and a few lady bugs every now and then - it just does its thing - stand there proudly, profit from the sun and probably look down and watch me transplanting the forget-me-nots or the poppies around his huge trunk.

It just does its thing ...

Nature, so tall and proud, powerful and ever willing. Inspiring ... as if saying; "This too shall pass." and so it just does its thing ...

So, have you been complaining? The pay out is too low? I'm not a pastor nor anywhere close to @creatr's and @rynow's knowledge of the verses but if there's one thing I carry in life to live in the gift of the moment given in me - no matter how nice or less nice that moment is - it's that one where in Job told his ranting wife; " Are we going to accept only what is good from God and not the bad ones?" and he actually was wrong because the Big Boss up there never gives anything bad. It's not the exact words he said but I guess what Job meant was like in a relationship of a husband and wife - you don't leave your partner when things get rough - remember, it's for better or worse ... so .. are we still ranting?

I do rant, too ..definitely I'm human but very seldom ... I try to count my blessings more often. It helps make you feel better than frustrated. It's a habit I tried to having many years ago, it wasn't easy so I had to put a post it on almost every room to get reminded to count my blessings. In my experience, it made me feel and really get more blessed. Have you tried counting your blessings, too? How often in a day?

So, what are you blessed with today? Let's try .. I wonder who'd write the longest.
Do write down below ..."Today, I'm blessed with ..."

I took each picture with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 .

Are you new in Steemit? Kindly read the Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide Revised Edition authored by @thecryptofiend to help us all get along well with each other. Have you been here for quite a long time? Read it, too won't hurt being reminded. Thank you.

Here are my other photography related articles:

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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