Tonight I signed up my first YouTuber with 70k subscribers - I'm on target for the #signup100 campaign

Yesterday I wrote about my personal #signup100 campaign to sign up 100 people to steemit before the end of the year.

I had already recruited four people, tonight I added numbers five and six.

One of these is a successful YouTuber who has over 70,000 subscribers.

I won't reveal who he is until his account has been confirmed by steemit inc but I know members of the homesteading, permaculture and gardening community are going to very much enjoy his first class content.

Top witness @aggroed is very keen on encouraging YouTube creators to join steemit having helped @davidpakman on his journey here.

To that end I understand @aggroed has another one of his Saturday discussion forums coming shortly to which he is inviting a number of leading YouTubers to discuss their moves to steemit.

My second recruit of the evening is a long time local community activist. She has been involved in local politics for some time and is interested to see what role steemit might play in improving the lives of ordinary people in Britain.

Again I will be introducing this person more fully as soon as their account has been confirmed.

I would have completed a hatrick of signups this evening but for the steemit signup procedure.

This third almost-recruit is a professional film maker and animator based in France.

He is keen to sign up but he doesn't have a mobile phone so he got stuck at the point in the signup process where he needed to give a mobile number for receiving the authentication PIN number. (I believe this is all correct but do tell if I have got any of this wrong as I can't remember how it was when I signed up.)

I am going to investigate the likes of Anon.Steem and steeminvite to see if I can expedite his sign up.

You might ask how I managed to get 2 (potentially 3) signups all from the comfort of my office chair. I didn't have to move an inch.

It was simple. I opened up Facebook (which I don't visit very often now) and looked down my list of Contacts on the right. I scanned through those that were showing as active. Then I started chatting telling them about steemit.

The YouTuber I guessed prior would be interested as he is a very enterprising young man always willing to explore new opportunities.

The other two people I had an inkling would be interested.

I do prefer face to face recruitment but this Facebook contact method was perfectly adequate for these people.

Why not take a look down your Facebook Contacts list and see who might be interested in steemit.

Then just start talking.

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[ graphics by @pennsif ]

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