Unproven Chapter Eighty Three "The Ties That Bind"

If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected, decide what to be and GO BE IT
-The Avett brothers


Recommend Reading Introduction to Unproven


Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three

Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six

Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two Chapter Twenty Three Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five Chapter Twenty Six Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight Chapter Twenty Nine Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty One Chapter Thirty Two Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Thirty Four Chapter Thirty Five Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Seven Chapter Thirty EightChapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Forty Chapter Forty One Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Forty Three Chapter Forty Four Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty Six Chapter Forty Seven Chapter Forty Eight

Chapter Forty Nine Chapter Fifty Chapter Fifty One

Chapter Fifty Two Chapter Fifty Three Chapter Fifty Four

Chapter Fifty Five Chapter Fifty Six Chapter Fifty Seven

Chapter Fifty Eight Chapter Fifty Nine Chapter Sixty

Chapter Sixty One Chapter Sixty Two Chapter Sixty Three

Chapter Sixty Four Chapter Sixty Five Chapter Sixty Six

Chapter Sixty Seven Chapter Sixty Eight Chapter Sixty Nine

Chapter Seventy Chapter Seventy Chapter Seventy Two

Chapter Seventy Three Chapter Seventy Four Chapter Seventy Five

Chapter Seventy SixChapter Seventy Seven Chapter Seventy Eight

Chapter Seventy Nine Chapter Eighty Chapter Eighty One

Chapter Eighty Two

Chapter Eighty Three

Grayson was waiting for Dori by her locker the next morning and her greeting was decidedly unenthusiastic.

"What do you want Gray?"

"Hi, to you too."

She glanced at him and raised an eyebrow as she fiddled with the combination. "As far as apologies go, mouthing I'm sorry has got to be at the top of the lame list. Especially after hearing the truly awful things you said to her. I don't regret slapping Kara, but I do regret not hitting you too."

"You should," he agreed. "But you can remedy that. Go ahead, give me your best shot."

She gave him a look as she lifted the latch and opened the metal door. "The moment is gone I'm afraid."

He lowered his voice, so no one would overhear. "Would it help if I told you that I spent the entire night thinking up ways to bail on my father's plans for my life, envisioning a future with Ary as my wife and the mother of my children?"

She turned toward him, both brows in the air, "Come again?"

He gave her a level look, "I'm dead serious."

She blinked and turned to face him fully. "Let me get this straight; yesterday you called her a little whore who made you want to vomit, who was nothing to you and nothing in general, and today you want to marry her?"

He gave her a pained look before saying, "Yesterday I thought she screwed another guy, and yes, I know that even if she had, what I said was inexcusable." He looked down at his hands. "I love her Dori," he said softly, "and the thought of her giving her body to someone else, especially to someone she barely even knows, was a serious mind fuck for me. I spent the whole weekend drinking whiskey and contemplating hunting the cocksucker down and beating him to death."

Dori took a deep breath and shook her head, "Wow Grayson, I knew you had some serious issues, but that’s the type of thinking that lands people in an institution."

He grimaced, "Don't you think I know that? I am a twisted, deranged, fucked up asshole, except when I'm with her. I love her Dori, I need her in my life, and I need your help to accomplish it." He gave her a solemn look.

She sighed, "What do I have to do exactly...And Gray if I find out that this is another one of your head games...”

"No! I swear to you, I'm being real."

She studied his expression and nodded. "So? What do I have to do?"

He smiled gratefully. "Well first of all, I need to borrow your car tomorrow."

"Umm, it's in the shop, although it might be done today…What's wrong with your car?"

"My father's ability to track me through GPS is wrong with my car."

She cringed, "Jeeze, no wonder you're nuts."

He inclined his head slightly. "Anyway, I need you to ask her to skip school tomorrow and walk down to that park by her house, then I need to come here and get your car so I can take her somewhere and tell her that she is the only future I want, and that without her I am the one who's nothing."

Dori's lip quirked, "Well that's definitely an improvement as far as apologies go. Okay, I'll ask her, and if she agrees you can take my car."

"And one more thing, you can't tell anyone, and neither can she. The three of us are the only ones who can know about this. If my dad finds out, it's over. And it can't be over Dori, because if it is, then I am. If I don't make this work...I have to make this work, my life depends on it."

"Wow," Dori said again, staring at him, "that's heavy. But what are you going to do, I mean aside from sneaking around with her? Is this an ‘until graduation’ type thing, whereupon you give your father a Lifetime Special speech about how you don't want to take over the family business and you're striking out on your own? Then what, get a job at a gas station, student loans to get through school...”

He held up a hand to stop her, "I'm working on that, but no, there will be no speech. He wouldn't let me leave, wouldn't say ‘You're a man now, do what you want.’ If only it were that easy, if the worst I had to fear was being disowned. I don't know what lengths he would go to, but considering I'm his only heir and his entire life is about the Teller fortune and the Teller bloodline I'm more than a little afraid to find out. I wouldn't put anything past him, including a threat to her life."

Dori's eyes widened. "So what are you saying, you'll have to run away together? Where will you live? How will you live? With his money and power, you wouldn't be able to use your own names...”

"I know this, okay?" He said sharply, cutting her off. "Why do you think I ended things with her? I tried to let her go, I hoped she could let me go...And yet I didn't. Obviously or I wouldn't have acted like such a fucking dickhead when I thought she had. Christ I'm a mess." He made a noise of frustration. "I need to believe that we can find a way. And like I said I'm working on it."

The look on his face was so agonized that for a moment Dori found herself wanting to strangle the man who sired him. Her own mother was no saint, she was actually pretty shitty most of the time, with her binge drinking and terrible taste in men, but at least she would be able to live however she chose when she was out of school. She reached out and squeezed his arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to add to the pressure, I'll do whatever I can to help."

He nodded, relief flashing across his face. "Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me. And though my new path will make my promise to help you later a lot more difficult to fulfill, I'll still find a way to make it up to you."

She smiled softly, "Just find a way to live happily ever after with Aryanne, that will be enough. I love her...And I love you too, Grayson."

He felt the burn behind his eyes that was becoming a bit more common these days. He cleared his throat, "You said she was the most beautiful person you've ever known? Well you're right up there with her Chandler."

"That might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me," she smiled.


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