Story: Matthew And The Dragons (Part XVI)




Part XVI


Hearing that dragons are attacking the city everyone were shock!

"But how? Aren't the soldiers fighting the lesser dragons on the outskirt?" A craftsman asked

The apprentice shakes his head and said.

"The ones attacking are wyverns and there are atleast four of them!"

"Wyverns!" Exclaimed everyone.

"We've been had! The great dragons and lesser dragons took most of our attentions that we forgot about the wyverns!" Said Aria exasperatedly.

"Indeed! This is a big blind spot," Amy agreed.

"How are the soldiers coping with the situation?" Boris asked.

"They're using heavy crossbows and bows!" Answered the apprenticed."But the wyverns are too fast and none of the arrows and bolts manages to hit any of them!"

Everyones expression are grim, though it's impossible for the wyverns to destroy the capital, they could cost great damage to it!

"Matthew, how about we use that contraption of yours?" Matthew's teacher adviced.

"I'm actually thinking of the same thing," said Matthew smilling.

"You mean the "hive"? We're going to use it now?" Asked a craftsman excitedly.

Matthew nodded and asked everyone to prepare.


Countless roars are heard from the sky. The archers tried to hit the wyverns but cannot as they are flying to high for the arrows and bolts to hit. But unlike them, the wyverns can dive while breathing fire. This tactic had caused severe damage to the surrounding.

Back at the castle, the king calmly observe the situation. Though worried, he didn't allow his emotion to get the better of him.

"Your majesty, it's very dangerous up here, please go back inside!" Beg a retainer.

"He is right your majesty! Please go back inside the castle!" Said another one.

The king ignores the rambling of his retainers and stood their unperturbed, as if he is expecting something. Suddenly...

"W-what is that?" A soldier asked in shock.

The king quickly looked at the direction where the soldier is pointing and a smile leak out of his aged face.

Who could it be other than Matthew and his gang? Though the king is not sure what Matthew have been making, he did developed an appreciation for the young man's capability. After all, he did manage to save himself and the lives of his companions from a sure death ambush thanks to his strange tools.

On the roof of a building, Matthew and his crew of craftsman are quickly assembling the "hive". Due to the lack to the lack of time, they only manages to bring out two of them.

Soon, the "hive" is fully assembled. It was a strange looking box-like contraption holes in the front similar to a beehive, hence the name. But unlike a huve that houses bees, his "hive" houses spears! Yes, spears. The hive is capable of firing dozens of spear at once, and is specially effective against flying targets!

Matthew looked at the wyverns causing havok in the sky coldly. After pinpointing the target he gave an order.


To be continued...



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