Constrained Writing Contest #9 The Watch

This is my entry for the Constrained Writing Contest, hosted by @svashta.

Each week the Constrained Writing Contest suggests an obligatory qualification for the writing. This week’s constraint is the word count of the story. This story must fiction, and end at exactly 255 words.

If you would like to join this writing contest, be sure to follow the post link above, upvote, and resteem the post, and then add the #constrainedwriting tag in your tags.

Watch in Hand by: William Blomstrom

He reached for the sweater from the rack; the same time as Isabel. She removed her hand when she felt the tug. When their eyes met, she shuttered. “It’s you.” She said, and then turned away.

“Isabel wait…” He tossed the sweater aside, and then followed her out of the store. “Isabel. Please let me explain.”

Isabel paused outside the store. The wind whipped from side to side, and she began to shiver. She turned and looked at him. “I was very clear that I never wanted to see you again.”

“I know. I don’t blame you. But, this is fate.”

“Fate? You know I buy my grandmother a sweater for Christmas each year. Besides, you also know I don’t believe in fate. I’ve asked you nicely to give me some space.”

“It’s been five months.”

“I could have gone longer. If you understood how much you betrayed me, you’d understand why I felt this way. And you would respect my wishes.”

He reached into his pocket and handed her the watch. “I didn’t sell it. That’s what I wanted you to know.”

Isabel looked at the watch her father had left behind. It looked the same as the last time she saw it. But it couldn’t be the same watch. She knew he had to be trying to fool her in some way.

“I don’t believe you. How else would you have gotten the money for your debts? You owed over thirty thousand dollars.”

“I didn’t. If they find me, they will kill me.”

That’s not a complete story. But I made the word count! I hope you enjoy it.


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"Marvelous Tales #16" Sylvia’s Silver Ballet Box
The Darker Side of the Street (Part One)
"Marvelous Tales #17" The Mist of the Hidden Furlendwalk Green
“Marvelous Tales #18” The Meditating Bunny
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