Playing the Sims: Moving on Up in the City

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It is Friday in the Steemit Roommates’ world. All their need meters are high. Sally and Stanley will be working today, but Sharyn will be off. We can hang out with her.

Sally still needs to work on her comedy skill, which she can do by watching comedy on the television. She has the 100 followers she needs on her social media for her next promotion at work. Getting up early, she can be the first in the bathroom today.


Not only does Sally have a sore back from the cheap bed today, but now she can notice the cheap fridge smell. Maybe while Sharyn is off work, she can look to see how much money they need to move the roommates into a better apartment.

I woke Sharyn up so that she could get into the bathroom next, while Sally makes breakfast. Stanley is still tired, so I’ll let him sleep.


Although Sally has most of her needs in the green, she is still uncomfortable because of her cheap life. Until the roommates move on up in the Sim world, they will be uncomfortable. This happens even though life otherwise is going good.

By sending Sally to the television with her food, she can eat, and raise her comedy skill at the same time. Watching comedy on the television will also give Sims the playful buff. This is the ideal mood for Sally’s career.


Sally and Sharyn need social interaction and some fun. Since Sally needs two levels of comedy to reach the next level of her social media career track, I encouraged Sharyn to watch comedy too. Now they will both have the comedy skill. They will also be able to chat while watching television and having breakfast. This will help them build their friendship.


By the time Sally left for work, she was in a good, and playful mood. The meter above her head is that of her comedy skill, which is close to being level two. It will not take her long until she is promoted at work. Until then, she will happily do her job as a clickbait writer. She has the weekend off.


Now that Sally and Stanley are off to work, we will have Sharyn look for a nicer apartment. You can move your Sims by using their cell phone. When you select move household, you will be open the map, where you can select, or search for, a different place to live. You will not move the household unless you confirm the action. This way you can look without committing to anything.


This would be the ideal apartment, but holy cow, that is expensive. It will be a long time before the Steemit roommates will be able to afford this posh of an apartment.


The apartments the Steemit Roommates can afford will be highlighted in green. The apartments highlighted in yellow are available, but will be out of the Sims’ price range. Each apartment is different, and will have different traits.


After looking at every apartment in the city, Sharyn decides that this apartment would be perfect for them. The apartment has three bedrooms, so each of the Steemit roommates will have their own bedroom. There is still only one bathroom…

The traits of this apartment are positive. The gnome trait of the apartment will send gnomes to repair broken things, and the penny pixies trait will allow the Sims to find loose change. They can afford the weekly rent, and the deposit for the apartment now, but they cannot afford the furnishings. Sharyn figures they will need to save around $5,000 to afford this apartment.
That should not take long, with all three Steemit Roommates working.

Target goal, Household funds = $20,000.


Sharyn can visit the city vendors, even when there is no festival in town. Sims in the city can play basketball, paint, listen to music, interact with the locals, and rummage throw the neighborhood trash for keepsakes. The food vendors are always open, so your Sim can eat while they are out.

The food on this side of town is spicy!!! After Sharyn finishes her meal, if she can finish it, she will learn the recipe, and then be able to cook the recipe at home. Sims in the City Life expansion, can learn all the recipes in the city, and will be one of the steps towards reaching the life goal of the city native.



Sharyn’s basketball skills need some work.


By nightfall, the Steemit roommates were in a good mood, and ready to go to bed, but they couldn’t, because they have noisy neighbors. Sharyn should be getting a promotion in the morning, if she can get some sleep. Stanley and Sally will need to build their skills to get their next promotion. They hope to be able to move to the new apartment soon!

Stanley was able to solve the problem, so at least the Steemit roommates can get some sleep tonight.

I hope you have learned a little more about moving your Sims up in the city. It is expensive to live in the city. Sharyn’s day out, and the meals they ate that day, all used the resources in the household funds. The longer they live in this apartment, the more money they will use. Their only option is to build their skills and get promoted as soon as they can.

Until next time,

Happy Gaming- Sim Girl

For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:
Creation of A Sim: Creating a Sim From Scratch
Creation of A Sim: An Outfit For Every Occasion
Creation of A Home: Buying the Land
Creation of A Home: Rough Framing
Creation of A Home: The Details
Creation of A Home: Final Touches for Functionality
Picking Sally Steemit’s Life Goal
Playing the Sims: The Great Start- Choosing a Career
Playing the Sims: Skills, Needs, and Other Things
Playing the Sims: Are you Controlling?
Playing the Sims: This Everyday Task Called Work
Playing the Sims: Living the City Life
Playing the Sims: Planning Your Sim’s Day
Playing the Sims: Glitches, and Technical Difficulties
Playing the Sims: Social Affairs, and Household Repairs

How-to Sim Your Life: A Guide to Winning the Game of Life



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