Sunday Sim Girl Legacy Challenge Update II

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Legacy Challenge

Victoria Steem is my Sim Girl legacy challenge Sim. If you are not familiar with the challenge you can find it at Sim Legacy Challenge. This challenge is to basically start your Sim out on a huge lot of land, with little to no money, and then play the household for 10 generations on this land. There are many stipulations, and rules for the challenge. You can find these rules by following the link.

At the top of the map, you can see the lot of land Victoria is living now. The little speck on the land is her tiny hovel of a home, that costs $600.00 to live there each month.

She does not have a shower, so Victoria has been spending most of her time at the Harbor Quarter Gym. The gym has a shower, bathroom, and a kitchen. It also provides Victoria with many opportunities to build her fitness skill.

The pool raises Victoria’s fun level while she builds her skill.

When the briefcase icon is selected, you will open your Sim’s career menu. If you hover your mouse over the icon, in this case of a muscle, you can see the job description and the level of the career. Each career track has 10 levels.

Victoria Steem is on the second level in the athletic career track, locker room attendant. By looking at her work menu, she's close to reaching the next promotion, team mascot.

Victoria did get her promotion today. To celebrate this achievement, she bought four new walls to put in her bathroom. This will give her a little more privacy when she uses the restroom at home. She has a long way to go before she will have a comfortable house to live in on this property.

She will now need to continue to build both her fitness, and her charisma skill, as well as continue to complete her daily task for work, to reach the next promotion of dance team captain.

Paolo Rocca called Victoria to congratulate her on her promotion. They have been talking at the gym this past week.

Paolo asked Victoria out to celebrate, and she needed some fun. She could also use some social interaction. Will this be the beginning of a budding romance?

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When your Sim is out on an outing, you can see the timer for the outing on the top left-hand side of your screen. The time remaining for this social event between Victoria, and Paolo, is two hours and fourteen minutes.

Victoria seems to be having fun, but she is getting tired, so she had better call it a night a little early. You can click on the timer to end the event.

In the morning, Victoria is back at the gym. She has raised her cooking skills to level three, by cooking eggs and toast. Now she can cook more dishes, such as pan fried tilapia, chocolate chip cookies, and pancakes.

She only has two more hours before work, so she will not get much done today as far as her skills go. It is just another boring day in the life of a Sim.

Here’s a picture of Victoria dressed up in her mascot uniform!

This is funny, because she doesn’t have a shower or a dresser at home, so she has no way of changing out of her uniform after working. Victoria was invited to a singles night at one of the local bars, and she went dressed in her mascot uniform.

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Monday is Victoria’s day off. I have spent most of her time going back and forth from her home to the gym.

The gym is a hassle, because the shower and the bathroom are on the basement floor, the kitchen is on the third floor, and Victoria must walk from one side of the gym to the other to use the stairs.

I really want to sell those statues in her inventory and buy her a shower and fridge for her home. Victoria could order fish and chips at the bar, so it was a good place to eat.

Victoria began visiting new businesses around town.

She found a charming café where she could grab some breakfast, and practice her charisma skill.

It is ironic, that she is practicing how to speak better to other Sims, and her social need is low, because she is not talking to other Sims…

So, this happened. Victoria was provoked into a mascot throw down. The other mascot was talking smack, so Victoria had the option to let it slide, or punch them and be fined $50.00.

When these career choices come up, it is always a coin toss, because doing the right thing does not always give you a positive result.

I encouraged Victoria to punch the Lemur.

The crowd went wild when she punched the lemur, and Victoria was fined $50.00 by the league. She gave the team an enormous morale boost, and she received a small performance gain.

This time, it was worth the $50.00 fine to punch the other mascot. Victoria still needs to reach the next level of the charisma skill, to get her next promotion, but she is very close to reaching it.

Next time I play, I should be able to get a little farther on building her home.

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Victoria, did manage to have enough money to pay the bills, and I didn’t have to sell anything this month! I’m going to put that in the win column. She has been an easy Sim to play, mostly because I gave her positive traits.

If you want more of a challenge, you can select traits for your Sim that are negative. Then, you will have more encounters to contend to, and it will be more difficult to keep the Sim’s needs balanced.

Overall, I would say that Victoria is doing very well in this Sim legacy challenge. I can’t wait until she gets out of this mascot uniform.

If you would like to read the challenge from the beginning, follow: Sim Girl Legacy Challenge
Sunday- Sim Girl Legacy Challenge Update I

Until next time,

Happy Gaming- Sim Girl

For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:
Creation of A Sim: Creating a Sim From Scratch
Creation of A Sim: An Outfit For Every Occasion
Creation of A Home: Buying the Land
Creation of A Home: Rough Framing
Creation of A Home: The Details
Creation of A Home: Final Touches for Functionality
Picking Sally Steemit’s Life Goal
Playing the Sims: The Great Start- Choosing a Career
Playing the Sims: Skills, Needs, and Other Things
Playing the Sims: Are you Controlling?
Playing the Sims: This Everyday Task Called Work
Playing the Sims: Living the City Life
Playing the Sims: Planning Your Sim’s Day
Playing the Sims: Glitches, and Technical Difficulties

How-to Sim Your Life: A Guide to Winning the Game of Life



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