There is always someone keeping working out (part 12)(Original) /总有一个比你忙,比你穷,比你老的人在健身(十二)

Today, What I will introduce is how to train the shoulders.
The shoulder is one of practice parts which most fitness enthusiasts do not like. I totally understand, because it is hard to recognize this piece of muscle and practicing costs much. Shoulder muscles, known as deltoid, are divided into the front, middle and rear part. If you do not practice the shoulders, the body will look uncoordinated. Why do those Fitness Gods(known for bodybuilding) have an athletic build? That’s because their deltoid muscles are brawny. Wearing a suit shirt makes them very stylish and handsome.
Now, what I recommend is to practice the shoulders through the dumbbell,which is equally convenient and practical.

Warming-up activity 热身运动

First, practicing the shoulders is mainly to use your shoulder muscles and joints. It takes 1 or 2 minutes.(as the picture shows)

Alternate forward raise with dumbbell 哑铃交替前平举

This action is used for practicing the front part of deltoid, usually finished in a standing posture.
Action tips: Use your hands to hold dumbbell naturally vertical in front of the body. Left hand and right hand raise the dumbbell alternately. Your arms can not be completely straight. Try to use the strength of shoulder muscles to raise dumbbells, and form a 90-degree angle between arms and body.
ATTENTION: Do not shrug and shake the body. Complete 4 groups, each group for 12.

Front dumbbell raise哑铃前平举


This action is something like alternate forward raise with dumbbell. But what they differ in is that you need use your both hands to do this action, which can be more effective to stimulate the muscles. Choose the dumbbell which is much heavier. Complete 3 groups, and keep doing until you are exhausted.You should notice that this action is more likely to make people lazy to borrow the body inertia to raise. Avoid this problem, or the effect will be bad.

PS: As the work is busy, writing articles and translating is time-consuming. Today I only introduced some ways to exercise deltoid muscles. More details will be given in tomorrow’s post. Hope you can understand. Thanks.

Chapter directory 章节目录

Chapter 章节Content 内容
1brief introduction about fitness 健身初章
2exercise for musculus triceps brachii & pectoral muscles 肱三头肌和胸肌练习
3advanced exercise for musculus tricpes brachii 肱三头肌的高级练习
4how to do pull-ups 引体向上
5warm-up and stretching exercise  热身与拉伸
6fitness plan and some precautions  健身计划与注意事项
7how to train abdominal muscles(part 1) 腹肌训练(一)
8how to train abdominal muscles(part 2) 腹肌训练(二)
9how to train abdominal muscles(part 3) 腹肌训练(三)
10how to train biceps(part 1) 肱二头肌训练(一)
11how to train biceps(part 2) 肱二头肌训练(二)
12how to train the anterior deltoid 三角肌前束练习

This post just represents my personal opinion. Without permission, it is strictly prohibited reproduced.

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(to be continued 未完待续)

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