Dream Diary - 20/10/17

Morning All!

It’s Saturday!!! I had the best nights sleep last night. I woke up feeling like a melted marshmallow. I was sooooo comfy. I don’t want to get up! I had many dreams last night. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy remembering and sharing them with you.

Courtesy of Skype

Friday 20th October 2017

I dreamed about my neighbour, Malcolm. Turned out he used to work for B&Q. He had slipped and fallen at work but he didn’t claim for any compensation. His flat was up for sale. I remember seeing the sign outside. It wasn’t your average ’For Sale’ sign. It was long and wooden and looked like a sign you would see outside an old farmhouse pub. It had an orange and blue picture on it that looked worn. I think it was a picture of the 'George & Dragon’. There was a fat balding grey haired man outside with a little white van. He had a green apple in his hand and then he threw it so it hit the roof of the flat. I was sad Malcolm was leaving and moving on. I don’t know why but my new name for him was ’Saltash’. Is that even a word? What does it mean?

Secondly I dreamed about Paul Hollywood from The Great British Bake Off. I was doing Strictly with him. I remember looking into his blue eyes and dancing around the stage practicing our routine. We were doing the Foxtrot. He certainly had the stern look for the Foxtrot. He was wearing a black glittery suit and I was wearing a red floor length dress. My hair was up and I had a red flower pinned behind one of my ears. I had sparkly red lipstick on too. We danced up and down the stage with all the lights on us. Then it stopped and I found Paul and I were printed on a pink hologram birthday card! 'What the…?’

Then I dreamed I went to go to the cinema to watch a film in 4DX. I was with my husband. I don’t know what film we were going to see. We were in the carpark outside the complex. As I went to get out of the car, I had put my hand in my handbag to find the special glasses. My handbag was a leopard sequinned one and it had a brown leather strap. As I placed my hand in, I felt nothing. My eyes were wide open and I said to my husband ”Oh my God! I have forgotten the glasses!!!” Then I laughed at him with a stupid face, put a pair of the glasses on and said “Nah, not really!!”

Afterwards I dreamed about going out for a festival with my husband, mum and a couple of kids. I don’t know who the kids were. They just happened to be with us. First of all the roads were not concrete roads. They were just miles of hard flat mud that had big tyre tracks embedded in. We had to walk across lots of lanes in the road. There were cars everywhere. It was like one big traffic jam and the cars were moving slowly. As we crossed a few lanes, I got annoyed because the drivers would not slow down. I shouted at the top of my voice ”Fucking Hell!!” Some lady saw me and just gave me a look as if to say ’Sorry, I feel your pain’. Then we came across a big fair van. It had teacups all stacked up at the back and big tractor tyres at the front as well as it’s own tyres for driving. My husband and I took one of the tractor wheels and my mum and the kids took the other. We were holding on as the van moved forward. I felt myself roll backwards. I was looking up at the sky. I thought I was going to die if there was a road collision. Then I remember the driver had asked for a can of coke. There wasn’t any left as my mum had given them all out to the kids.

Finally, I dreamed I was at my husbands best friends house. There was my husbands friend, his wife, their kids, his friends mum and me. It was his friends wife’s birthday. The cake looked like it was for their daughter though. It was round and looked like a princess castle. It was covered in blue icing and lots of glitter. I remember the friend’s wife was tucking into her slice of cake and told us about her mum who had recently passed away. She started to well up. I felt sad for her. Then I remember I had a big rectangular clear piece of icing. I snapped it and as I did all this white hologram glitter came pouring out. Then I looked up and saw my husbands friend and he had an oxygen tube up his nose. His friend was talking about kids TV and was singing the theme tune to us.

What do we make of this Steemers? I have to say this is one is nuts! To even conjure up something like this is beyond me. What are your thoughts? I’d love to know.

If you enjoyed this, why not read my diary.

Dream Diary

19/10/17 | 18/10/17 | 17/10/17 | 16/10/17 | 15/10/17 | 14/10/17 | 13/10/17 | 12/10/17 | 11/10/17 | 10/10/17 | 9/10/17 | 7/10/17 | 6/10/17 | 5/10/17 | Can't sleep, Wont sleep | 3/10/17 | 2/10/17 | 1/10/17

30/9/17 | 29/9/17 | 28/9/17 | 27/9/17 | 26/9/17 | 25/9/17 | 24/9/17 | 22/9/17 | 21/9/17 | 20/9/17 | Recurring Dreams

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