Celebrate the Inner You- Happy Women's Day!

I believe both, women and men are amazing and have their own unique character traits that make them so special. However, today I'll share my thoughts on being a woman and womanhood because yeah, it is the International Women's Day. Although I believe women should celebrate their individuality every single day of their life like I feel every day or any day can be about love and your Valentine's Day, but let's face it- with so much to do throughout the day and this is like two times more if you have one baby and just multiply it by 2 for every kid you have, it is really difficult to celebrate your special powers every single day. So taking out some time for yourself on a day does feel amazing and is important too.

Today I'll talk about my feelings on being a woman and what I believe women empowerment is about.

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I think and not just think, actually I strongly believe that women are one of God's most special and amazing creatures and He did make them a tad bit more special than men because someone reminded me in a talk I attended today that God imparted one of his most special and brilliant capabilities to women- to create a being. We are given the ability to conceive, nurture a child inside us and then give birth which I think one of the most extraordinary and powerful experiences in the world and that makes us just so so amazing. He did not give this ability to men. He endowed it on to the women and with that, He gave them more power, strength and perseverance too. Because I have seen women behave more strongly, powerful and courageously in situations when men often give up. I can personally relate to this as well.

Please don't get me wrong- I am not saying that men aren't strong. They are and quite brilliant too. It is just that when it comes to emotional strength, women rank better than most men. I think this is why I have seen women do all sorts of things even at once. From managing a home to taking care of their kids to doing their work to handling whatever other pressure comes on them.

Not only that, but they have another super power too- flexibility. Mostly, from what I have observed, many women are extremely flexible and less rigid as compared to men. This is why they mold in so well in different roles. From being a girlfriend to a wife to a mother to a sister to a friend- they can take on any role beautifully (not always I know- I am not generalizing what I say since I know there are all sorts of women and I am not saying not taking on a role or blending in it easily is a bad thing. Here I am just sharing my perspectives and not judging anyone.) In the talk that I attended today, a panelist 'Sadaf Usman' who is a motivation writer, blogger, poet and trainer said something really beautiful. She said that according to her we (women) need to be like water- flexible and taking the shape of whatever we are poured in but making our own course too. Water never stops flowing and keeps running (I am expecting someone to say it will stop flowing if you turn off the tap) and as it flows, it creates its own path. It encounters rocks and deep pits on its way, but it keeps flowing and makes its own pathway and that is what makes it so so beautiful. Similarly, women keep flowing and working too. I know of so many women who have been through countless hardships in life, but they never gave up and some of them did not even complain once. How amazing is that!

One of my aunts had a love marriage and on the third day of her marriage, she found out her husband was already married to someone and she had the option of breaking up with him, but she did not pursue it. While I disagree with her decision of not breaking up with him, she owns up to gracefully because she says she loved him with all her heart and she did not want to burden her parents. I disagree with her mindset of being a burden on her parents, but I like that she owned up to her decision and stayed true to it till the time her husband breathed her last. She loved him with all her heart and never gave up on loving him.

Another of my aunt has gone through countless financial problems throughout her life especially her marital life and things have never been so easy in her life, but not once did she complain about it and persevered through it all. I can go on and on about many such examples and how I feel that women are just amazing. While many women I know of and have met are amazing in their own ways, I still feel many of them do not properly comprehend the meaning of empowerment.

Yes, like everything else empowerment is subjective and its meaning differs from person to person. For me, empowerment is about realizing who you are, acknowledging it, gaining self-awareness and then using that knowledge to discover your potentials and use them as well as the insight into yourself to do things the way you want to because I feel that's how you can live a meaningful life. Sadly, not a lot of people, this goes for both men and women, do not who they are from within.

Yes, the journey to self-awareness is a long one, but this journey is amazing and all of us should embark on it because that's how we'll find out who we are or who we genuinely want to be. I think women (men too but since this post is about women so I'll stick to that) need to really spend time gaining self-awareness so they can find out who they are from within. This is extremely important because when you know who you are or want to be, you stop fighting for things you don't really want. Like now I know minimalism is something I believe in and want to truly follow so I have stopped going crazy after shopping for clothes because earlier I had associated my happiness with buying stuff but when I dug into that, I figured I wasn't really happy even after shopping my heart out. Now that I am not a crazyyy shopaholic anymore, I feel so much better than before so this one self-discovery has really helped me feel better from within. And now I have stopped whining over what I don't have because I feel happy with what I have got and this just brings is so much freedom.

So you see self-discovery is really important and if you start digging into yourself, you will move on to living an actually empowered life. Because that's how you will find the inner you and be really able to celebrate your individuality. Today, I discovered some great things about myself- one of them is that I am a jealous person at heart lol. I plan to make another post on this, hopefully tomorrow so will keep it for that. That discovery helped me immensely and has cleared a lot of my emotional blocks too. This made me really believe in the importance of self-awareness so today I ask all of you to spend some time with yourself and really find out who you are so you can start celebrating your uniqueness and individuality.

In addition, I also believe that when we say 'women empowerment', we aren't talking about one woman, but all the women in the world and as a whole, women empowerment for me is about really supporting one another and sticking up for each other. It is not just about empowering yourself but empowering all the women around you in the process too because if we stand united, it will be difficult for an external force to break us. That is just so important to help all the women grow together and then use their power to help a nation grow.

Happy Women's day to all the amazing ladies. You rock!

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Do share your thoughts on the topic please. Thank you for all your support.

Love and light,


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Shary's Writing Prompt Contest #3 and Results of Contest #2

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