Listen More, Feel More and Experience More to Become More Aware and Wise...

I am not a very wise person still, but if I look back on my journey, I have definitely improved a lot and a major portion of that improvement came in the past 6 months, yes precisely the time I joined Steemit because it was then that I came across some truly amazing people whose work, words and wisdom has shaped up my mindset and personality for the better.

One of the things that helped me become a better person in terms of living my life and becoming open to new experiences and ideologies is the ability to listen more. For a long time, I thought speaking more was important but I was so wrong in believing that. It is actually listening more that improves your wisdom and the following quote perfectly illustrates this point.

‘God gave us mouths that close and ears that don't... that should tell us something.’- Eugene O'Neill

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The way we are designed says a lot about how we should be and live, only if we pay attention to that. We are born with ears that do not close and always stay open, but mouths that have the option of closing so only if we get that clue and start listening more, our lives would become so much easier. Mostly, our focus lies on speaking more. We have a need to be heard, to express our views and also to prove everyone that we are right and this just forces us to speak only. I am not saying one should not speak his mind and express their viewpoints. You should definitely do that, but you must also listen more.

Whether it is a loved one saying something, your boss speaking to you, an accomplished person giving a speech or anybody else- listening to someone is difficult, but if we just focus on listening keenly to people and even to our own selves, we would become better aware of things, have better perspective on things and understand things in their true nature.

For instance, if you just let your partner pour their heart out to you, you will make them feel loved and this care will draw them closer to you. If you just listen to the voice inside your heart, you may realize that it is not money what you want but abundance and abundance often does not come from acquiring more. If you just listen more, you will find peace in the babbling of water in the stream and the rustling of leaves as the breeze strikes the trees. If you only listen keenly, you will hear your child tell you how much he loves you and that will just light you up.

Listening more makes you think more and when you think more, you feel more and become open to more experiences. However, for that to happen, it is just so important to listen in an unbiased and nonjudgmental manner. When you listen to someone, you must be as unbiased and nonjudgmental as you can be because that is what helps you listen to things the right way. Do not listen to things with your emotions, but just listen to them with your ears. If your partner tells you he isn't happy with how you talk to him, listen to his pain and do not associate too much meaning to this statement. Feel his pain and then analyze your behavior. If your heart says you need to do something different than what the society expects of you, really dig deeper into the desire and see if that's what you truly want. It is important to listen with an open mind because that's when you really understand things.

I went through a bad episode two days back that really rattled me and in that time, I had one of the most important, inspiring and deepest conversations with a wonderful woman. I just listened to her openly and her words helped me find a clearer direction in life. Had I not listened to it openly, I would have been feeling miserable than before today, but fortunately that's not the case. I feel so much stronger and better today because I know it is important to really listen to the different things going around you and take time to respond to things because decisions taken hastily often just lead to disasters.

What are your views on the topic? Thank you for bearing with me always and showing your love.

Love and light,


I am running a writing contest with 5SBD up for grabs for the winner so if any of you would like to participate in it, click on the following link:

Shary's Writing Prompt Contest #2

Here are some of my articles that may interest you:

@ecotrain qotw- What is patriarchy? Is a patriarchy the same as a society led by men, or is it more, a society led by fear and a feeling of scarcity, that happens to be an environment in which the masculine takes charge?

Never Stop Taking Care of Yourself...

How Positive Stereotypes can Make Life Difficult

Why is it so Hard to Apologize for Your Own Wrongdoings??

Confessions of a People Pleaser...

You are My Funny Valentine <3

To Sleep or Not to Sleep, that is the Question....

Parents- Guiding Lights or Dictators?

Who am I??

One Smile and a Deep Breath to Quickly Fight Stress

Why I am Grateful for My Hardships...

Why Do We Attach Unnecessary Meaning to Everything??

Why is it Okay to Be a Little Selfish, Focus on Your Needs and Communicate them to Loved Ones

Batman & Jesus: Why do we fear debate?

My Scar Stories- Reminders of Many Different Memories

I am a part of the wonderful @ecotrain that aims to make this world a better place so do join it if that's your aim too..


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