Story: Matthew And The Dragons (Part XVII)






Hearing the order, the operators pull the lever of the "hive" and several dozens of spears rained on the wyverns making it difficult for them to dodge!

Thw wyverns tried there best to dodge but was unsuccessful. Soon a few wyverns was peppered with spears—flying at them with tremendous speed!

"Again!" Matthew ordered.

Several men quickly reloads the "hives" with more spears, and shot at the wyverns after Matthew's ordered.

Meanwhile, the soldiers.watching from the castle walls are shocked seeing this scene. They'd tried there best to shoot down the wyverns from the sky and failed miserably. Yet, these civilians with no military training manages to do so!

Watching from the castle wall, the king's eyes glint from excitement—his gamble paid off! He have always thought that Matthew is especia, therefore he supplied the young man with everything he needed! The scene right now proves that his decision is correct!

The king laughed aloud in glee, surprising his retainers and the soldiers around him. Yet the king doesn't seemed to care. So what if he let loose a little bit? Nothing wrong with it right? After all his nerve was pull to the limit this past weeks, so venting a little isn't bad.


Back to the battle...or the one-sided slaughter to be more exact, the wyverns number quickly dwindle as they're shot by endless spears. The smarter ones knows that they'll be annihilated if they stayed longer, therefore quickly fled while roaring in terror!

Before long, all wyverns have either dead or fled. Seeing this, Matthew's crew pumped their fist in joy and roar with delight. Matthew on the otherhand remained compose but the smile in his lips betrays his happiness.

After the battle, Matthew and his crew was summoned at the castle. Inside, most of the craftsmen and apprentices are fidgeting in nervousness. After all, it's not very often that one can meet the king face to face. But Matthew, Amy, Aria, Boris, and his teacher are much calmer, as they've meet the king several times before.

Everyone bowed in respect after the king sits on the throne. He then, ordered everyone to stand up.

"Today, you all made history!" The king declared.

"It is not often that civilian fights dragons without fear and then triumph!" Said the king. "I'm very proud of you all! You lot represents the pinnacle of courage and loyalty!"

Everyone's heart gladdened after hearing the king's praise. They only fought dragon because they wishes to protect their home and motherland. Yet, they did not expect that they would be praised by the king this much.

"Thank you for the praise your majesty!" Matthew and his crew answered.

The king nods in appreciation at this. He then ordered his page and retainers to reward everyone with the medal of courage. While he himself personally put the medal on Matthews neck.

"Lad, you surprised me yet again," said the king with a laugh after patting Matthew in his shoulder.

"I'm just doing my duty as a citizen of this kingdom your majesty,".asnwered Matthew, overwhelmed by the king's favor.

"'No, what you did is more than what a citizen should do," said the king emotionally. "You've braved dangers again and again. Putting your life at risk all the time."

Everyone nods with agreement after hearing what the king said. Most of them are aware of what Matthew did this past weeks. So the king's praise is justified.

"I only managed to succeed with the help of my companions, your majesty,".said Matthew truthfully. "Without them, I would have died many time while looking for the cure, if not for them."

"Well said! I will certainly reward your companions handsomely," the king declared. "But your contributions are undeniable so accept my appreciation with grace!"

"Of course, your majesty!" Matthew replied respectfully.

After the reward ceremony, everyone leave the castle with smile on their faces. On the otherhand, Matthew and and a part of the crew stayed on the castle at king's request.

To be continued...


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