YUM, HEALTHY AND SPEEDY QUICK TO MAKE : Black Rice Noodles with Thai Dressing

Got some appetite but would like to have something you can do fast and furious? I mean .. well, you got limited time and have so much to be done? This dish can save you from such lunch dilemma.

I finally got my appetite back. I lost my appetite for 5 days due to a mussel allergy. Well, I was warned not to order them but the stubborn me does exactly what other people say not to do. Suffering the consequences now .. Well, they were freaking delicious and they looked freaking innocent as well. Can you blame me that I succumbed to my appetite's desire?

Darn, I'm not allowed to eat shellfish anymore. Had rashes, nausea, sore throat, swollen lymphnodes on both sides under my jaw (till now actually) feverish feeling, dizziness, occasional coughing and no appetite (the last is very unusual, am famous for pigging out) .. in short - started the New Year sick. Bummer ~~ learned the freaking hard way again - eat what ya' can and may.. Well, I didn't know that I was allergic to mussels. Normally, I have pronoia but the night I ate those mussels, I had more of ..paranoia.

After the last piece, my throat already felt sore but then .. just - on the left. Had crazy thoughts 'bout what could be wrong with those mussels but - turned out just some allergies. Weird .. cause I've always eaten shellfish when I was young. Perhaps, gramps' country seawater is just more innocent than here? We only ate freshly caught mussels from the sea back then and the sea was - virgin. No toxic. Lol at me but mussels are scavengers - ya' know? Maybe the scavenger mussels here are just - no okay - is it because of the drowned bodies somewhere in the sea 'round Europe. Damn it! I shall never eat any water animal ever again. At least not from here.

Well, anyway, I got my appetite back and craving for something yum but then would want to start with something light and easy to do. Took the black noodles out and thought of some Thai dressing.

What do we need?

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