Day 28: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Ooze

This is my Day 28: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Ooze


Fredricka Ooze was crying in the mirror...................large pink oozy tears.

It had happened again, she was at school and when the teacher called on her like she always does. Fredricka had no answer to the question of the day.

No one at school understood what she had to go through just to get to school.........when she finally did get there she was so tired from all the chores that needed doing at home she never had time to study. Her learning only came from what she could pick up in class each day but she was willing to take the ridicule just to be able to learn.

She would have to go home and start it all again........the cleaning up of orange poo from her frail parents, making dinner, cleaning them so the house didn't smell.

Her parents were not sick enough to go to a home but just sick enough that they could not fend for themselves, which left poor Fredricka will all the responsibility.

At 10 years of age.............


Much Love,

*all images are of my own making! lolll

If you would like to join in on the daily #freewrite please go here: Writers or wanna be Writers Wanted!!!! Be Free! Freewrite! you will have a ball!

A list of my other #freewrite posts can be found here:

Day 27: Prompt: It's what I do at 2:30 in the morning when I can't sleep
Day 26: Prompt: a shoe
Freewrite Day 24, 21 and 19
Day 17: The Weekend Freewrite
Day 16: Prompt: Dirty Dishes
Day 15: Prompt: White Cat
Day 14: Prompt: Apricot
Day 13: Prompt: crazy
Day 12: Prompt: Some Change
Day 11: Prompt: Sleep
Day 10:Prompt: Splinter
Day 9:Prompt: After Midnight
Day 8Prompt: Started
Day 7:Prompt: I Saw a Wild Pig Running Down the Street

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