16th series of Fetus development stages|| Find out the growth of your fetus at 27 weeks, Learn how to build your blood level


Welcome to week 27 wow you have entered your final week of your second trimester, you will soon be saying goodbye to second trimester and welcome to third trimester. Hope you are enjoying yourself take care of baby and you 🥰

PREGNANCY AT 27 WEEKS (6 months)

Your baby has finish forming some part of the body and some development rate will continue while some has finish just waiting for the baby to be out. But from this week on the baby is growing rapidly and this is the time their weight will increase,this week your baby is 36.6cm and weighs 907g. Most likely the head will face, retina will be forming this week, the baby can now sleep and wake thus, developing a pattern that they will continue with after birth. The brain continues to develop, the baby is actively kicking and responding to sounds and light.



Expect the unexpected, symptoms never change rather more are added, so you will continue to see things like this.

🤰 Frequent urination; caused by the pressure of the uterus on the bladder.

What to do

  • Drink adequate amount of liquid during the day.
  • limit fluid intake at night
  • sleep side lying at night
  • perform Kegel exercises

🤰 Headache; caused by some hormonal changes

What to do

  • Try as much as possible to rest

🤰 Constipation; it is caused by the decrease in intestinal motility, displacements of the intestines, and regular taking of iron supplements.

What to do

  • eat high fiber foods
  • drink sufficient fluid
  • exercise regularly
  • Please avoid laxative except prescribed by your doctor.

Tenderness of the breast; caused by increased levels of estrogen and progesterone.

What to do

  • wear a supportive bra to help relief you
  • Avoid the use of soap on the nipple and areola area to prevent dryness.

🤰 FATIGUE; caused by hormonal changes

What to do

  • Do regular exercises relaxes your muscle relaxing and strengthens your the hip and leg joints
  • Eat healthy meals.

🤰 Dizziness; it is caused by a drop in blood pressure, especially when changing position lying at your back is risky and my trigger dizziness also if your blood sugar levels is too low.

What to do

  • Avoid standing for a long periods of time, then try to move when you notice you have stand for some time.
  • Try lying on your left side while resting, since this helps circulation throughout your body.
  • Avoid sudden movements, always move slowly when standing up from a sitting position.
  • Eat small portion of meal at a time but eat regularly.
  • Drink plenty of water.

Other symptoms

  • Vaginal discharge
  • Leg cramps
  • Pelvic cramps

Although not everyone wil experience this symptoms but once you see it always remember it's one of those things caused by hormonal changes.


Healthy eating and regular exercise routine is always a good thing to do everyday for a healthy pregnancy.

🤰 Stay hydrated during daytime, but slow down as bedtime approaches so you will not interrupt your sleep by getting out of bed every two minutes to pee.

🤰 As you approach your third trimester, you might find yourself getting more and more emotional when you experience this, try to talk to someone either your partner, a friend or a therapist so you can get support when you need it most.

🤰 Always wake your system up with warm water in the morning, take fiber food like oat meal to help you avoid constipation.

🤰 Exercise will help you sleep fine, so if you are finding it difficult to sleep, try and exercise yourself it will relief you and help you sleep fine.



At this level if you are not taking your prenatal vitamins regularly and eating fine, your blood level will reduce drastically. So it is advisable you check your pack cell volume (PCV) to know how you are doing to avoid Anemia in Pregnancy. Please boast it at all times do no joke with it so as not to be anaemic. Let's see the things you can do to build it up.

  • Naturally;

  • Eat healthy foods such as dark green vegetables, Vegetable leaf (ugu leaf) work wonders when it comes to building of blood, extract the juice and drink it, this is safe for you and your baby.

  • Eat food rich in vitamin c such as fruits.

  • Iron rich foods is very necessary, such as grains, cereals, chicken, fish, nuts etc.

  • Medication;

Take your supplements seriously, it helps build up your blood too.


I believe you enjoyed this week lessons, your baby is now gaining fat and preparing for life outside womb. But that's not withstanding take care of yourself take your supplements and do your exercise. Come next week as we will talk about another interesting topic, jaundice. It will prepare your mind on looking up any symptoms of jaundice in your baby.

Feel free to leave your questions at the comment section of this post, or chat me up on WHATSAPP 08039426715 if you have a private issue for more professional advice, if you are pregnant 🤰 and leaving within Uyo, Nigeria please ImaBridge medical center is offering free antenatal check and free delivery to all Pregnant women, come and be a beneficiary as you will be monitored and care for through out your pregnancy journey

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