The Muscovy Brothers say farewell to one of their own - RIP Mr Muscovy

Today I found one of my three Muscovy ducks dead in the chicken house.

No signs of attack or injury, he must have just gone there to find a dark place to die.

I believe it was just old age.

I don't know how long Muscovy ducks might live but he was at least 5 years olds when he came to us 18 months ago. So he was now closing in on 7 years old.

He came to us with his 4 brothers and a Greylag Goose when their owner was selling up his smallholding (homestead) and wasn't able to find a home for them.

The original five ducks were quickly reduced to three when two of the five made a dash for freedom on arrival and flew over the fence down toward the lake. They were not seen again.

That did take me by surprise as we were led to believe by their previous owner that they did not fly. I guess they heard the quacks of the wild ducks down there and the lure of a lady on the lake was too much for them.

The three remaining Muscovy Brothers and their erstwhile manager Mr Greylag settled down to a more perambulatory life in the new compound with the chickens and the cockerel.

They even featured in their own duckumentary on steemit commissioned by @greenacrehome :

So I salute Mr Muscovy for his valuable service.

Together with his brothers and Greylag the Goose they did a fine job of keeping the buzzards away from the hens.

RIP Mr Muscovy.

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[ photographs and video by @pennsif ]

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