This is where it started... Walk with me as I take the puppies on their first trip to the lake

Sometimes it is easy to forget where you started.

I began on the beautiful piece of Welsh mountainside that I am blessed to call my home.

Seventeen acres of magical, mystical, mythical marvellous vibrant verdancy. Each little square inch bursting and bustling with the wonders of nature.

From the tiniest bug to the mightiest oak.

It is all there to love, respect and enjoy. You only have to look...

This afternoon I took a break from steemit to remind myself of why I am here and where my journey began.

Come walk with me around my little piece of Wales and enjoy the sunshine.

The view from our house across the valley is quite something. This morning the valley below us had a hefty wallowing of mist. This afternoon it cleared away to leave this pretty, pretty place...

This field in front of the house was planted with a deciduous mix of trees about five years ago. They include oak, ash, wild cherry, hazel and alder. The tallest are now approaching 4m. Alas many of the ash are succumbing to Ash Dieback Disease and will have passed to another place in a year or two.

Above the main woodland area we have planted about 25 fruit trees - apple, cherry, pear and plum. The tiniest hints of buds are already forming waiting ready to burst forth as the days warm up in a few weeks time.

Despite them being deciduous many of the trees have kept some 'Christmas decorations' for us to enjoy through the chilling winter days - the rusty dried oak leaves, the oak galls, and the hazel catkins...

At the bottom of the field is the lake. The lake is around half an acre with a small island in the middle. It was dug by the previous owners around 25 years ago to provide for their angling hobby.

We did restock the lake about 10 years ago with 300 or so carp, rudd and tench.

I never got round to learn to fish but the herons and the otters have been keenly honing their angling skills in my absence.

Just to the left of the picture is the area where we plan to build a small cabin so we can enjoy little lakeside holidays.

That one though is definitely part of the long-game - currently sitting comfortably at number 264 on our things to do when we have time and money list.

Bertie and Betsie, our two new puppies, had not been to the lake before.

They seemed entranced by the water and the upside down world that glistened before them. They really were not sure what to do next. A bit cold for a swim today I think... maybe next time.

Down by the lake there is a lot of fallen and rotten wood. I always marvel at the beauty of lichens that grow so prolifically in our clean moutain air. I so wish I could find the opportunity to learn to identify the different species of lichen.

Heading back up the mountainside I was reminded that despite the solitude and tranquility I enjoy here the modern world is still ever present...

We live about a third of the way up the mountain in an old farmhouse nestled all around by trees, including the mighty oak that guards above our greenhouses and the giant sycamore that stands proudly in front of our house.

I hope you enjoyed this brief walk round part of our homestead. I can head in a different direction next time if you are interested.

I am truly blessed to have found my way to this little peace on earth.

That we found out after we bought the house that it had been built by my mother's family 200 years ago demonstrated to me with certain clarity that there is a higher hand that guides us in our journey through life.

Love life. Respect the earth. Go in peace.

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[ images by @pennsif ]

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