Project loveletters #10 - His letter


Madrid, 20 Noviembre de 1978

Dear Irene:

I wish that when you have this letter in your hands, you are fine, equal that your family.

You photo I like me very much and now I have it in my wallet. I allegro me that thee liked you the map.

For some motive, I don’t explain me well and you did not understand me. I ask me, why? You did not write me before of your operation? EH!

The word APENDICITIS, Dear Irene if that I meet it or (know it).

Today, is celebrate here, the third year of the death, the Francisco FRANCO Bahamonde. And All the beyond-right and the right political party, they do many noise and foolerys.

IT do three days, that it has to go out, a law in the which, All the Spanish are elder of age, a eighteen old.(before, twenty-one old).

By it, the next sixth of December, day of the Referendum National, I will can to vow, if we like us the texte of the constitution spañola, that the senator and the depatys of the parlament, they’ve does.

I bilive, that I will vow NO to this text constitutional. It’s liberal little.

Yes, I understand, in my country is almost equal, but:

St. Nicolás – Reyes Magos (The Magi)(Melchor, Gaspar, Baltasar (he’s black).

5th December (eve)- 5th January 1979 (eve)

The Magi, in the night of 5th December, they bring a lot of plaything an all the children goods and few a the bads. The birth of the boy JESUS, in Belen, is in 25th December and the Magi bring presents for them.

For it, in the Holidays Christmas, Almost all Spanichs,


we have in our Home; one Belén; that is the commemoration of the birth of Jesús, in a crow, with your father and your mather Maria, all together, and the Magi and the pastor of the village, bring presents for Jesús, guidet for a star, that is shin in the sky.

Same, too, they have trees, all ornamented together. Belen or without it.

In Spain, over holidays Cristmas, we eat many nougat, butter cokes, marzipan, etc and we drink champagne wine and others strongs drinks.

Normally, this holidays, we are all together in our house of Barcelona (all my family). I think that the Holidays Cristmas, are the better holidays of the year.

Over that dates, I wait to attain fifteen days of license, for to go to my House.

Well, I send you, two photos of myself. One the militer. And another under in a monument. (L’Arc du triumph of Madrid). It’s near of the Cuartel General del Aire.

This weekend, I can not to go out Ministery because I’ve not money. All that I haved it, I’ve buyed a black boots, an eye-glasses that I need to drive my car, to see the movies(films) a cinema or T.v. etc.

But, I can walk, and to see the shops, the streets full of people the Madrid, and of course the girls. In Madrid there are very nice girls.

The song of Kansas, I like me very much. Thank you for them.

Well, dear Irene, Now I am in the office, work. Till next time. (Bientot EH!)

Veel liefs Jesus

“Recuerdos a Lidia y toda la familia” OK? (say hi to Lidia and your family)

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Letter #1
Letter #2
Letter #3
Letter #4
Letter #5
Letter #6
Letter #7
Letter #8
Letter #9

Disclaimer: These letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts. Any marks on the letters are made by them to help them understand the letters. Note: I also covered her signature for protection.

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