Assessment and Evaluation Regarding Unfinished Artworks

I already have so many artworks done. I think I have done more than 200 art creations already since 2015 when I decided to start doing the things that I love. I already posted at least 64 artworks in Steemit since December 2017. It's a great achievement to claim but while I was compiling my artworks yesterday I found out a growing number of unfinished works.

Certainly, I am not alone in this world. I know there are many people out there who want to accomplish and finish the projects they have but we share a common problem. This personal article is for you. Together we can make solutions to this problem. Fight!


Unfinished Artworks

This is now my growing problem as an artist. I still keep them in my clearbook in hopes of visiting them again anytime and complete them soon but that doesn't go as planned. I scold myself for this.

The Reasons

I performed an assessment and evaluation to myself so that I may stop this problem - the growing number of unfinished artworks. Perhaps, the best way to do that is to know the real cause of the problem, study it and generate solutions from that.

As I was doing this self-assessment, I found out few reasons why I have so many unfinished artworks. At first the causes look normal but when I checked on myself deeper I found out more serious problems. I hope I am still at the right time to align myself back to my goals for a better me. Or I might find good people right here to help me back on my track. So, here are the reasons why I have an increasing number of unfinished artworks:

The ReasonArtwork
Difficult Task. I started the artwork on the right last year, October. I stopped working on it when I got exhausted with the complicated and very detailed reference. It was one of the most difficult task or drawing. At first, I wanted to really challenge myself with detailed drawings especially in pointilism or stippling but I guess I jumped in wrongly. Therefore, I suggest that, I will first put in mind if the output/project is attainable.IMG_20180425_075957.jpg
Fear of Imperfection. I always set high standards for myself and to whatever I do because the comments of other people matter to me. I get affected when people reject me and the things I do. This drawing was still in the last year, I didn't finish it because I find it awful. I even darken and shaded the face because I didn't like it. It was not as I expected it to be. So, I stopped it. This fear was already a problem when I was identified already when I was still in college, which started when I was still a kid. However, I am working on it already and perhaps the Steemit Community has been very helpful in this matter because many of the people here have beautiful eyes who appreciate than discourage. Because, the main reason why I am afraid of imperfection is because I am afraid of being judged.IMG_20180425_080010.jpg
Lack of Time Another problem is the lack of time. I certainly am a very busy person, I am a full time teacher, a church mass reader, a youth leader and a steemian at the same time. Everything that we do demands time. And everything that I do are important. So my common sacrificial lamb would be my passion in drawing because I cannot leave my services and obligations in the school, church and in the youth. The solution to this is not a good solution, so I'll just keep it that way. My drawings can wait, but my responsibilities cannot.IMG_20180425_080019.jpg
Lack of Motivation. This art was made for a contest here in steemit. But, I wasn't able to finish it on time because of important matters that I needed to attend to. So, when I found out that I no longer can join I stopped making it. I have no more reasons to finish it, I said to myself. I can see two good solutions to this problem. One, I should set goals that are time-bound and two, I need to find intrinsic motivations such as the joy to finish an artwork and the feeling of accomplishment when you finish something.IMG_20180425_080028.jpg
Past is Past. Hahaha, I do not know how should I call it, but I just want to move on and start something new. When I do something and I am interrupted on it, I do not revisit that project because I can just start something new. Which I think is a wrong practice. I now realized that for me to really have a good present and a better future is to fix first my past. So, I will fix this unfinished artworks before I will start a new drawing.IMG_20180425_080049.jpg
Procrastination. This is also one of the many reasons why I do not finish my works because I have a greater tendency to procrastinate. I keep telling myself I will just finish it on the next day until it becomes a next week, until the time I will forget doing it forever. The solution is not time-management but I guess it more a self-management.IMG_20180425_080101.jpg
Obvious Mistakes. The drawing on the right is the most recent unfinished artwork which has a very obvious mistake - the wrong choice of color for the skin. I wanted it to be realistic but, it looks like a cartoon charater, so that discourages me to not finish it. Therefore, I need to be more careful especially when I am working with colorpencils and paints.IMG_20180425_080113.jpg

My Reflections

As an amateur artist I have to accept these realities and flaws in my life and create solution for these self-induced problem. Certainly, I can overcome this. And to be able to do that is to start doing the solutions I made.

I hope that I really can solve this problem because I do not want to waste another effort, time and money for this. I should put in mind that I am better than my mistakes, procrastination, my past and others.

In case you missed my recent post how and when I started to draw, you can click HERE..

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