We're glad you stopped by to check out what's hot on the ecoTrain! We would like to welcome aboard two new passengers, @michelle-carter and @kiaraantonoviche who have just joined us and are already writing amazing posts!. They are both amazing additions to the ecoTrain community and we hope they enjoy the ride!
I have listed our posts according to upvotes, comments and engagement. We hope you find the content you have been looking for!
Our Most Undervalued Post
Sometimes a great posts slips through the net!
This was a great post from @vangelov.
The whole concept of ADHD/ADD is wrong ! And this is why.
ADD has been officially accepted as a disorder in our current social state. It stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. People think that when a person can't focus on a specific subject he has an attention deficit but that actually isn't the case. People with ADD actually have way much more attention than any other "NORMAL" person would have and I will explain why in this article...
What's Hot from the ecoTrain in order of popularity
- Plastic Free/Zero Waste Challenge - Day Three (+Scrap Garden)
Today was quite the lazy day! I didn’t have to go anywhere or see anyone so I slept in! Which means I also skipped breakfast technically and also, to make up for the use of plastic bottled shampoo yesterday, skipped a shower (which is healthier for your skin and hair anyways)! Instead I used the dry shampoo (glass jar) I featured in my 3rd Product Spotlight!...
- Plastic Free/Zero Waste Challenge - Day Two
This morning I woke with a heavy layer of coconut oil still weighing down my hair… I had to use my plastic bottled shampoo to try to strip it out during my shower! At least I used bar soap (cardboard packaging) for my body! ...
- Plastic Free/Zero Waste Challenge - Day One
I woke up this morning, poured a hot cup of coffee, and added a good splash of creamer… from a plastic bottle!
Damn it! We're off to a rough start! Let's try this again!..
- Eco-Travel Guitar Project - part 1. The Soundboard - Your chance to win a one of a kind handmade travel guitar - ecoTrain
I just couldn't wait to get started on building this guitar that I promised to make for you. I couldn't concentrate on anything else all week because I just wanted to see it take shape. Despite many distractions, obligations and complications in my daily life, I set aside a day for it and made a start.. so here's where I'm up to with it...
- Ever Wondered How to Channel Healing Energy?
You may of heard of people using 'Healing Energy', 'Power of the Universe' or Reiki to do healing, so how does this mysterious way of healing actually work? Whatever name you use or however you do the energy healing, it is all based on a similar principle and that is of tuning into and a higher power and using that higher power to facilitate healing...
- Awakening. Global Shift, Heart Energy - What's it all About?
There is a lot of talk about the Global Shift and raising the level of consciousness, but what does this all mean, especially for someone who doesn't know any of this? When we look at society today, in the majority of countries then society is very focused on mind, thinking and logic..
The whole concept of ADHD/ADD is wrong ! And this is why.
ADD has been officially accepted as a disorder in our current social state. It stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. People think that when a person can't focus on a specific subject he has an attention deficit but that actually isn't the case. People with ADD actually have way much more attention than any other "NORMAL" person would have and I will explain why in this article...
- Peace is just one of the steps towards fulfillment
Towards out the chaos we seek to find that golden peace where our hearts can flow and blossom to their utmost potential. I've noticed that the demand for peace has been higher than ever before, people have had enough of the daily struggle and are simply looking to find a sweet melancholy with life, building an inner workspace to craft the perfect future...
I'm happy to be sharing some of my Biology knowledge with you, but delivered in a very non-technical way. I majored in Biology for 5 years and also had many months of hands on experience with genetic engineering during a work placement opportunity. One of the most fascinating topics that we covered in our classes was about DNA, the molecule of life. Whilst we spent MANY weeks learning about the theory of what DNA actually is and what it does, it was always clear to me that we were dealing with a miraculous molecule that was very poorly understood. When I was majoring, the scientific world still called 99% of the DNA in our bodies as junk, because they didn't understand what it did. What was clear was that whatever it did, nobody even really understood how it came to be!
- The Remarkable Diary Of An Eco Builder Part 6. We've Started!
I'm very happy you have returned for more tales of self building an Earthship! Things are hotting up now as we start the build and the volunteers all arrive. The response to my advertising posters was mind blowing, and set the scene for a very lively and happy start to my life's dream of self building my own eco home.
- Earthships & Self-sufficiency. Journey of Discovery Part IV: Present & Future Visions
Welcome to the final part of my 4-part series following my life-journey in learning about sustainable architecture and the experiences that came after my time working on an Earthship in India. Please check out my posts part 1 to 3 on my page at...
- Wasps on the Move - 'Killer Wasps' swarming in my Garden?
Two days ago in the early evening a swarm of wasps arrived in my garden. Swarming wasps can be dangerous as they might easily become aggressive. But in this case they were most likely looking for a new place to nest and they left us and the dogs alone...
- Pineapples - How to grow your own
Pineapples are one of my favourite fruits. The pineapples here are so much better than the ones I bought in the supermarket in Holland. Here they are much juicier, sweeter and so much tastier...
- Eye To Eye Around the World
I just came across this video earlier today. If anything should go viral here on Steemit I would think this could be it. Many years ago, as a teenager of only 15, my mother signed me up to one of those new age seminars that were supposed to change your life. I think it was more of a cult type thing, but I remember one of the exercises was to stand and look in a strangers eyes for a certain amount of time. Maybe it was only one minute. Maybe it was longer. All I remember is that I was terrified, extremely uncomfortable and my knees began to shake. All I wanted was for it to be over...
Thanks for being here with us to see what's hot on the ecoTrain!
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