Meet our Marketing and PR guy Christian Smit

Christian Smit studied law and advertising and has extensive experience in broadcast production, media liaison and PR strategist.

His therapist reckons he is one of the most talented people around, which is why SportsPodium decided to rope him in and tie him down.

Over an extended period he managed high end individuals in terms of public image, press, crisis media and social profile. He also managed and worked closely with male Olympic gold medalist swimmers.

He is a polyglot fluent in English, Afrikaans, German, French and Dutch and is proficient in Yiddish. He is currently in the process of learning Hebrew. (Which is a nightmare.)

Chris is a natural networker and enjoys social interaction, he mixes easily with all levels of society and has a wide field of reference and is part of the diplomatic society in South Africa.


In SportsPodium Chris is supported in marketing by Natalie du Toit, who is our Social Media expert. They dovetail beautifully coming from different angles to cover the entire spectrum between traditional and online social media marketing. Both of them are excited and at the same time very confident in harnessing their combined skills to make SportsPodium a global success.

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